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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. someone said the new oyster bar ( where the cotton gin use to be) is good
  2. :evilgrin: tooo funny... I haven't thought about that.. haha
  3. When I was in the hospital one time and my DD was 3... my DH thought he would help by washing and drying the clothes. He told the dd he is gonna do some colored clothes then some whites... soooo she went and got her colors and threw in the wash... hahah well I guess he didn't see them when he threw the clothes in the dyer... wax everywhere... ya can't get that out either.... so needless to say once I re-cooped we had to go clothes shopping ( we laugh about it now)
  4. um... that is the joe's crab shack commercial .. hahaha
  5. Maybe someone needs to show LR to cheer her up some
  6. ha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsvAj6qfmFQ
  7. They renamed it... I forget the new name though... The dd and I went last year because I had to run an errand up that way. I told her I use to go to this mall all the time... it was scary and sad
  8. nooo don't delete the thread... I find it very interesting I have an open mind and would love to see your site... That is why I googled bigfoot in paulding... I got intrigued I hope you decided to do the story with pubby
  9. what she said I know right... The one I found the funniest is the dude in his underwear ... and is he boxers or briefs
  10. so I just googled Bigfoot in Paulding County GA and there was a few sightings.. one of Ridge Rd. One of the "sightings" was even by a policeman here is the link http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_county_reports.asp?state=GA&county=Paulding I am not a believer but I do like hearing the folklore around them... My Grandpa would tell us story's about them when we were little while camping in the back yard before bed time
  11. I fired one before... even though we were under contract with him for 6 months he sucked and we went to his boss and was really upset as to how poorly our file was being handled and he let us out.
  12. Sorry for your lose hun... prayers are with you and your family during this time
  13. well stop giving.. haha Ashlyn found 2 of her jobs through posting on FB Lets just say she doesn't buy starbucks anymore
  14. it is both rooms to go and Ashley
  15. I know my dd is not the age you are looking for but she is 15 and works 3 different jobs... she will not let me pay for her clothes and running money anymore... she says she has her own and it is the least she can do..
  16. I like that song and have the Owl city cd... I can't stand anything country music ...I guess to each their own
  17. Red sky at night will be sailors delight... red sky in the morning sailor take warning
  18. mashing the reset button has always fixed that for me... but the button is in another room for me...
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