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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I had a bucket of popcorn and my DD and hubby had a lil pizza. We had to book it to Atlanta for The Harry Potter Movie Premiere so I paid out the wazzzzoooo Tomorrow is Taco Tuesday so I am super excited about that
  2. Yeah!!! thanks guys... I am excited! I get to be around people and I get to chat without a keyboard in front of me! To bad I will not have the little pcom smileys with me to use in real conversations
  3. After 2 1/2 years of sitting at home I got a job today I don't wanna tell pcom where cause you guys will come by and distract me....lol Jk But I just wanted to share in my lil praise report I am gonna go celebrate tonight by seeing a media showing of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows tonight...
  4. BOA SUCKS!!!! they are the worst to work with!!!!
  5. Praise God noooo. I had the camera in the room. no iphones cause we were in the bahamas ..sooo I lucked up on that one. The next day they had a taco buffet out that I steered clear of...lol then some chick over heard us talking. she had to come to me and say that I was the 1st person she ever heard use the word Varmint. then she asked if I got that word from a cartoon...lol I said nooo sweetie it is part of my everyday vocabulary... she was from Baltimore. She said she could listen to me talk all day...Chad rolled his eyes and threw a few snarky comments in///bahahaha
  6. I wouldn't go to a chat board and ask what to do... WHy must people air their dirty laundry 1.) Make him give what he stole back and apologize 2.) they are never to old to ground and or spank If they are gonna act like a little kid/brat treat them like one!!!
  7. TSA isn't my friend... I was a lucky person a few months back after a trip to Mexico. I was so burnt they were lucky I wore clothes . my feet were swollen and I had to wear house house. This lady proceeds to touch me hard as I squeal, jump and scream. She fussed at me and I bit back so she said she was taking me to a private room... Thankfully her manager stepped in and said Can't you see that this lady is burnt and in pain. My shirt had metal in it and once they realized the shirt was the thing sitting the alarm off they finally let me go... They told me to wear sunscreen next time...
  8. ok.. you got me yesterday and now today... this Iphone is changing my words left and right... driving me buts= Nuts..lol btw the waiter will pick on you and so will all your new friends you make on the cruise when you mistake wasabi for guacamole... After my drink, Chad's drink and a few other peoples drink I was almost back to normal...not that i have ever been normal but normal for me
  9. I have a few pics but not many... I took this cruise before and took pics then. ...lol Hubby had to do this cruise for "work" . I do have a few pics.... BUt I am still not over our haunted state room///lol I love cruising!!! Thanks... My sis in law is giving me updates and the doc said it could be today, tomorrow but definitely before the end of the week. I am really excited!!! how are you feeling?
  10. Hey guys.. I am great and still as pasty white like I was when I left. Chad got like spf 10,000,000. I told him tan fat is purdier than white flab. BUt he said i don't tan I do the lobster bake so spf 10,000,000 it was. We left from the port of Miami ...I had to go to D-A-S-H 1st . I knew I couldn't fit in anything in there except accessories BUt they were still pretty $$$$ Left Miami on The Music Boat 2010 to Nassau, CoCo Cay, Key West then back to port. I am very sleep. I did't get much sleep because our stunkin room was haunted( true story) I thought I was nuts until the people beside
  11. I was just picking at ya Alex is a good kid too... Very Talented!
  12. is that your sweet way of saying all the other pretty much suck at being a parent .. jk
  13. Ashlyn works for her own money... She babysits, sales old stuff and does odd jobs. I am not gonna pay her for doing her chores. Her payment for that is internet, cell phone, texting, cable, food, roof and some clothing not all, power, gas, water and food...did I mention food!!!! She has learned to budget her own money ...heck she makes more than I do!!!! With her shopping habit she has learned to be frugal and that hey I get get this dress for $80 here but if I go to another store I could get shoes, dress, shirt, and pants for $80. She is a good kid and knows work ethic as wel
  14. I hate people touching me... but my hubby bought me a massage one year and he was sooo excited that he thought he got something I would love. So I hadto put my silly people fears behind me and I am soooo glad I did it!!!! It was the best back rub and facial. I liked it so much I am getting it done again in 2 weeks]
  15. My goal is Dec1st. We made it to Thanksgiving last year. But with us going out of town and My parents staying at my house next week I think they will cut it on Whimps... the Blanket and sweats are paid for... the gas isnt
  16. My hubby has to go to work... I am just tagging along... We are going on the Music Boat 2010 http://www.musicboatonline.com/ I have been to all the ports before and know exactly what I am doing when I get to them.. haha But we are driving down so I can go to D-A-S-H. I love that shop. I might not can fit in any of their clothes but accessories are one size fits all Ports are Nassau, CoCoCay, and Key West
  17. grabbing my swim suit, flip flops and capri's and heading down to Miami then catching a cruise ship Monday! I hate cold weather!!!
  18. I am in SP and have ad a few slow times but it fixed it's self right away
  19. sad.. lol I use to love those I guess I need to add strange smells coming from my dog to the list
  20. I would miss many smells... it is easier for me to tell you want I wouldn't miss instead of what I would miss. I would NOT miss ~Dog Farts..well any farts for that matter ~burps ~baby diapers ~bathroom smells ~burnt popcorn ~gasoline ~rotten eggs ~vomit ~body odor ~wet dog ~cabbage cooking ~fish ~moth Balls ( this is all I got for now...I know I am missing a few)
  21. Backstreet Boys are doing a tour with New Kids on The Block I am sooooo there!!!
  22. Maybe the news doesn't consider Pcom a source of info.. lol ( pubby don't shoot me, I was just speculating)
  23. My 16 year old still gets those... she got a cookie cutter in her last one and her friend got a pink spoon
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