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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. sorry about the families loss... DId you go ahead with your surgery today...do you guys need anything... food... or anything else?
  2. Lord... it is to much to even write here. Lets just say I have got a lawyer and they have decided to fix the problem. To bad they wouldn't fix it before I got an attorney.
  3. I will use a mattress before I use BOA...My lawyer is now dealing with them... they really screwed up my home mortgage..like really really bad. T
  4. Figured it out...Dear Significant Other ...Duh
  5. QUick Question... What is a DSO...
  6. WELLS FARGO SUCKS!!!! I have chewed a few people out. I would have done been gone if I wasn't going out of town and needing a debit card. I will change banks when I get back. We also had an issue with my DD's debit card who is a minor. So while she was I school I went to go fix it and they told me she had to be there. I was the one who opened the account and also allowed to use the account. The told me her account was none of my business.. lets just say... The people behind me got a show!!! I went off!!! SO a lady that knew me that worked in one of the little side offices calmed me down..
  7. doing something with the gooberment is like chasing your tail
  8. so we should just mess with you now..hahah ok so you go in...take lots of medal and put in your pockets and don't empty them. Maybe a cute officer will pull you to the side. Then you get on the Elevator press every single button and ride that sucker till you get fussed at. Then ask where do you get a tag for your grocery carrier. Seriously I don't remember off the top of my head how to get there but always seem to find it twice a year. Well not this year. I paid a $1 extra and they just mailed it to me
  9. You walk in and read the signs silly willy I have found it with out posting on pcom so I am sure just about anyone can Good luck... I hate going to the tag office
  10. {rayers are gonna be with ya... I wish you a speedy recovery If you need anything please let me know
  11. I loooove it! I don't know how to do the extra smilies though so I use the pcom provided ones
  12. if any of you iphoners have words with friends... My user name is Sadie612
  13. on a serious note... I hope when they find them they super glue their behinds in the ball pit that smells like stinky feet and let 100 toddlers jump on them and peg those lil plastic balls at them.. Bad people suck!
  14. I have lost 14 pounds in 2 months... But I was just making room for all the cruise food next week awesome for you...congrats
  15. Pubby said pcom has an app but I can't find it
  16. my bff moved a few years back so we face time all the time... I love that feature. However if I don't have makeup on I will not answer
  17. My hubby wants me to stop spending... sometimes I listen...sometimes I don't btw, I got some cute cute cute shoes today... they were on clearance
  18. I knew what she meant too.. I was just picking on her...lol
  19. I have been fighting the Iphone movement too My hubby got the Iphone4 a few moths back and I fell in love with it and got myself one last week LOOOOVE IT! There is so much more you can do with it than a blackberry and other smart phones. Not having a keyboard has not bothered me so far
  20. we live in The Georgian and we were swamped!!!!
  21. no...But I am DONE if that helps. the rest of the stuff I have to get is gift cards and I will wait till about 2 weeks before Christmas
  22. Tomorrow I will be getting ready for the scariest day of the year... Election day Y'all have fun and remember you can not complain about who gets elected if you don't go out and vote
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