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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. noooo silly girl I am sayin well... um I guess I dug myself in a hole and can't get out of it.. send help and stay out of my email
  2. well sometimes other like to hear the logical answer before they do it poor guy
  3. I am not telling what I am getting her...some poop head from here told her what her big gift was last year. wants and getting is 2 different things. She wants a car... she is getting nothing with wheels.. ha
  4. not responding or giving money to him is a start. If you know him...call him and tell him nto change his email password or just call to check in on him
  5. I wanna be a PI... that sounds like fun
  6. I have bot watched a soap in like 15 years.... it might take me more than a minute or 2 cause Erica Kane was married to Adam Chandler... I am sure she has been through atleast 10 more hubbys in that 15 year period.
  7. :nea: :nea: :nea: been there...tried that and never again!!!! I stay out of the religious forum too.. those people are cray cray... My Jesus is loving and theirs seem mean
  8. then you must not be friends with me on Fb cause we get pretty comical ... ha and you must not be friends with the right ones either cause some chose to share every bit of drama in their life me I just share farting dog stories, hubby snoring stories and stupid randomness
  9. I use to be... now I am not. I can go a day or 2 even more Now Facebook is a different story
  10. who cares what others think as long as you are happy and hurting nobody I am a lame meetingless person anyway... Maybe I need to start a meeting for people who have no meetings
  11. mine did this one just 1 box a few weeks back... they reset it and it worked fine after that
  12. Been married 17 years..got married when I was 18 and he was 20 I still like him and love him...well most days anyways
  13. I agree...those are some wacky hours and don't help the working moms out at all but best of luck
  14. talk to the attorney who did your bankruptcy ... she shouldn't charge you anymore seeing that you already paid for the service and should help you with this answer.
  15. if you did not claim the house in bankruptcy then they can come after you for something
  16. well his lil snoring behind is gonna find the guest bed tonight..I need sleep in my cold bed..ha
  17. yeah my hubby cooks hamburger helper, grilled cheese and hot dogs... so I do most the cooking
  18. yes, My hubby works in the media so we get early screening of things and or press passes It was amazing...I can't wait for part 2 now..my dd cried and I made fun of her...lol I will still come and play... just not all day long..ha
  19. I would feel the hottness coming from his side... so I couldn't sleep. WHen he is extra cold he curls up with a heating pad!
  20. there needs to be a rule book for those people comming to the yard sale...lol Like NO FIGHTS over purses!!! lol
  21. I will never buy one of those suckers... am I odd because I think that crawling into a cold bed is one of the most amazing feelings ever!!!!! If I am too warm I can't sleep but if I have a cold bed and pillow I well if Chad isn't snoring I
  22. Dangit...If I have to be jk..I would love to be your fb friend
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