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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I guess we could call you a pod person as well
  2. STalker...creeper... stranger... antenna loser.. haha what else? found him...bwhahahaha
  3. it is hard to stalk someone with 6 kids. in tow..just sayin lol jk don't hit me..ha
  4. idk..but he needs to come and play either here or fb..ha
  5. My friend has a Dallas, Dairy and Cherry... can you guess what her favorite book was she has a dog named Soda Pop too
  6. Please come out and play today!!!!
  7. I know... we love driving through newnan as well and picking out places from the movie.. but it isn't a scary movie in my book at all I cried during the dog scene
  8. I haven't been to the one in hiram yet... I always go to Villa Hica.. I liked it when they had the belly dancers
  9. My dd's name is Ashlyn and everyone tries to spell Ashley ..drives me cray cray
  10. Darkness Fall is scary and my dd watched it when she was that age.. it is safe ( no sex) it was very good in my opinion just have a cover to throw over your head...lol
  11. I had a white pair and a black pair... I ain't ashamed to admit it but they are long gone to goodwill many years ago
  12. mine are April Fools Day ( 80's version) 13 Ghost Skeleton Key Darkness Falls Paranormal Activity Freddy ( all of them) I could go on and on what are yours
  13. is it bad that I also think of the movie CB4 when I sweat and get one of the songs from that movie stuck in my head
  14. make sure you are not wearing a white Tshirt
  15. now when I sweat I have Sandra Bullock rapping from The Proposal in my head
  16. not all of them.. I thought I was gonna die laughing when one dude fell forward and bounced his head off the pew
  17. I love the color green, I love my grass green too but I like my skies blue(not greenish)
  18. I like the lil bread balls ( that is what we call them)
  19. I wanna sleep like the old man in the baptist church on Sunday Morning ( I grew up baptist and have a few people pictured when making this remark )
  20. at least he will not smell like Frito's but his fart's might be more "energized" from the battery's
  21. where are the horns holding up your halo ... you have hidden them well
  22. Has anyone found the remote to change Mother Nature's channel
  23. simmer down now... lol don't tonk or paulding place my dog sweat thread :rofl: :rofl:
  24. facebook help you with this insight from time to time...
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