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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I still see him as a little boy in his patch the pirate stuff at church... lordie I feel old now
  2. just saw it... awesome Job I am gonna go sign up now
  3. I am super tired today... so something easy, quick and good...Hamburgers
  4. Thanks for eating dinner with us tonight.... it was fun and glad you made it home safe
  5. not me... haha sorry I had no clue what you were talking about
  6. I have never noticed... wow...cool
  7. :rofl: :rofl: um, ok did you put the tongs back in the kitchen or did you throw them away
  8. I will have to teach you how to make homemade doughnuts
  9. I'm good...no feelings hurt at all. I am just tired of only certain people being able to vent or try to have a good thread when the place has been kinda slow... but some just have to be rude all the time. I was just frustrated over some emails I got... I hardly ever let crap like that get to me but I let my guard down and wasn't prepared when did rudeness become an acceptable way of life for some people. I am not talking about you Lu. I am just make a statement in general
  10. That cool and I don't mind being picked one... I can dish it and I can take it But I have gotten a few not so nice messages over this... only after a few pcommers started doggin me sorry to get snarky... I will go take a Midol now or something
  11. everyone vents about something silly...even you. I have never poked fun at your vents or ever brought them back up... I guess that kinda makes some a hypocrite when they fuss about people pointing out someone's faults them they do it themselves
  12. Sadie612


    sooo... we are all good now....
  13. Sadie612


    I didn't say I was perfect... Like I said I thought it would be a harmless thread
  14. Sadie612


    I misspell stuff all the time... I was not meaning to attack or cause harm OH my.... I didn't know people would get sooooo stinkin upset. again I am sorry. For the people who know me on here they know I am not a trouble maker not out to hurt anyone's feelings Opie... Sorry for making you miss your bedtime. You can blame me for that too. I think I can take Aunt Bea...
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