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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. and a helmet and to drive on the right side of the road way
  2. oh wow... That is the 1st time ever someone on pcom as called me a smart Butt( sorry I do not cuss) and Ignorant :lol: I have insurance on my lawnmower too...It's called homeowners insurance we are talking about Lawnmowers being on the rd... do you drive your lawnmower on the street? so if you do have insurance on your lawnmower does that mean you can drive it on the street... hmmm, I don't think so...but hey... it is what ever floats your boat dude
  3. Then why don't you call and tell the insurance co that your lawn mower is your primary Vehicle...Would love love love to hear the operators reaction And you know Motorcycles and Bikes have to wear a helment... so make the people who ride the lawnmowers wear them too... oh and the guy always riding down Cohran Store rd is always on the WRONG side of the stinkin rd
  4. he found all the dancers after sending me chewy and DarthVader... here ya go geek guy it is like 12 minutes long to see everyone dance like, um I don't know all their names... Star wars is stupid...
  5. I lost it when Vader spanked it... his storm troopers are very good dancers... Oh lawd he just sent me another... with chewy dancing...should I post it too
  6. hiya... GOod morning everyone Hope you have an awesome day
  7. you can do that with a laptop and an aircard or dial up and a laptop... technologically is awesome
  8. while you were gone silly... you left us so you were not here to give your input so I made an executive decision
  9. Soooo if ATV's are not allowed on the roadway then why should lawnmowers .... I thought all motorized things had to have a License plate and insurance to drive on the rd... hmmm excuse me Gieco...do you have lawnmower insurance... I drive it about 3 miles a day( would love to see how that call would go)
  10. Ha, ok That settles it...Ed is coming to my house so we can dress him for the Halloween Party.
  11. I will give it to him...heck I would even pay him to take it if he will wear it to Mac's on an dress up alter ego night
  12. If the can make then stay in lil babies with hardly any hair... I can get it to stay in yours... Plus Anything will stay together with Duct tape is is against the law to threaten someone with duct tape
  13. Makes you wanna Change the radio dial A few on mine Poker Face, Single Ladies, Anything Country, Amy Grant... I know I have a lot more but I wanna hear yours
  14. iI will make you a matching hair bow...
  15. IH2D.... nobody bought the dress... ya want it is Otis still drinkin...I never heard back
  16. yes C.K. are longer btw size does matter
  17. hmmm Well try driving a lawn mower on I-20 there are people with little yellow tickets that will tell you really fast that the mower is not a street legal machine
  18. I voted NO!!!! I am tired of the older man riding his down Cohran Store... it drives me crazy
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