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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. idk... I am just trying to get my internet fix... I had the jitters without internet I want some tater salad too
  2. I have been out of town with NO internet What happened... who is fussing with whom? WHat did everyone spend at the store? Any good jokes? or did anyone notice I was even gone
  3. there was an advanced screening for Press and invite only at Atlantic Station Last night We have Media passes so we get to see a lot of movies before they hit the theater ... so your kinda right
  4. It was mixed reviews while leaving the theater ... My hubby and Daughter LOVED it. She has plans to go again at Midnight tomorrow and another time next week
  5. it was ok... I got sooo bored but the dd and hubby liked it. I just hope those of you that go to see it at midnight tomorrow are not sleepy because you will go to But I can't wait till the next movie...it should be so much better Here is a pic of my DD right before we left
  6. you can keep dallas red... You have roots here
  7. I will not change my name either and Thanks... we have another one coming up the 17th at the Georgian...everyone welcomed
  8. I like goober... I will be sad if you ever have to change it to ihave1dog or ihavenodogs
  9. Like mom of 1,2 or 3.. what happens if you have more kids? so an so's mom...what happens if you have another kid? ihave2dogs...what if you get another dog? what would you change your names to...hmmm sorry, I am in a weird mood and thinking odd thoughts
  10. we are a cell phone family...kicked the landline to the curb
  11. Chicken Corn Chowder
  12. I am not bent out of shape in anyway... me and a few other pcommers are texting about this thread and laughing our heads off. Dude you need to come on the board more often... I am not as bored when you are here( that is a nice remark...not a snarky one) lol... you would be my husbands best friend...
  13. dude... take a chill pill... your gonna pop a gasket or something... why don't you take a nice Sunday drive in your street legal mower to calm down
  14. your not a paying member
  15. Ed, I think I have a new friend on Pcom... I remember him from our rear windshield conversation now do you have high blood pressure or something?
  16. are you not reading my post all the way...I said the dude rides on the wrong side of the road every stinkin day... where is that legal
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