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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. remind me not to tell you anything ... hahaha What is so funny we have it on video... she forbids me to show it to anyone
  2. wow... hahah so I wanna hear about how he "handled it" I have a mental pic in my mind
  3. Maybe the kid wanted to see if he could poop out a wrapped toy (marble wrapped in plastic...hahah that made me giggle)
  4. poking fun on a chat board is just an odd way of coping to me I guess
  5. you sure seem to be taking this well... a lot better than I would be wow...that is all I have to say
  6. wouldn't it be funny if we were going to the same baby shower
  7. morning... nothing much going on today... I have a baby shower to go to in Douglasville today... hope you all have an awesome day
  8. I heard it is just a rumor But who knows anymore
  9. I thought his nose was missing 10 years ago.... He was so addicted to plastic surgery that he kept redoing his nose till they couldn't do no more with it
  10. I have onstar now so now it talks thorugh the speakers and mutes the radio when it gives directions... I love my Onstar 100's times better than my GPS
  11. or an awesome new Purse... nope.. cna;t say that I have :hidingbeforelightingstrikes:
  12. I was looking for something today and a song Ashlyn really loved was one and she was like MOm!!!! I said hush I am looking for something She was like mom you look with your eyes not your ears.
  13. Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
  14. I'll come... love me some rolls
  15. easy and good if you like salmon BBQ baked Salmon Oven 350 for 30 minutes Put BBQ sauce on Salmon and bake( i cover mine in foil when I bake to also make for easy clean up) serve with a baked tater or other awesome sides you like Easy, Cheap. good and not as fating
  16. It has been boring for a few days now... I think we all have moved to FB to chat I still love Pcom though
  17. Ken freaks me out... He looks younger today than he did in the 80's... 1 more face lift and fake tan land he will look Chinese
  18. but internet radio doesn't pay my bills..... well it does if your listening to Local radio on the internet but not Pandora... Yeah It(pandora) is awesome I know
  19. I don't have one... Why pay for a magazine to hear gossip when I have the TV and Pcom lol... goober Chad knows I like TMZ and doesn't care I was talking about news silly willy...so that is different When I do watch the news I am faithful to Channel 2 ( does that help a little)
  20. nope... I don't like ET.... I am Faithful to Harvey Levin.
  21. It was a fix it your self kinda night here
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