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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. omg... the mental picture I am having it is funny and disturbing all at the same time
  2. I have one that shocks people... Mallrats and Encino Man are 2 of my all time fave movies
  3. yeah...I voted :yahoo: yeah I am not a fan of it at all.... nobody in my family likes it...but we are odd anyway
  4. I couldn't vote... there wasn't a No choice... I got so bored with that movie
  5. I want cake now..... I just bought 20 rolls of tp if ya need it...
  6. Thanks...that was just what i was looking for
  7. My friend is writing a paper in her Economics class. I told her about a website someone posted on here about pumping money in your local Economy and see how much the community gets for it verses a Chain store or something like that... She went crazy and wants to see it because it would help her... does anyone remember that thread or the website
  8. Glad your home... Glad lil Lumak is allllllright :yahoo:
  9. no... she is getting our pcom conversations mixed up with our real life ones
  10. yep... I can come... Witch I will pick you up in my courtesy car...ha
  11. Things are AWESOME ...... The surgery went very WELL..... It was just what my mom needed and she is on the road to recovery Thanks for all your prayers this has been a very stressful past few weeks
  12. I have longed for a home cook meal... I have been living on fast food or hospital food all week and looks like my week some next week as well. I came home to pizza... I WANT SOME HOME COOKED FOOD
  13. ~celebrating an Alabama family Reunion... ~1st cousins that fell in love and all about to be 2nd cousins and parents all in one day I got so many more captions I know... I am just tired, slow and stressed...lol I will be back with more
  14. morning... the DD woke up sick... she has a high fever...whats up with that skipping church and heading out to be with my mom today... I have filled my car up 3 times in 3 days... ugh hubby is staying home with the sick kid and dog... I hope he give the doggie a bath because he smells like stale fritos for some odd reason
  15. why IDk... But I am not one of them. I am a mommy's girl and talk to her all the time and see her as often as I can.. I do not let a day go by without me telling her I love her I am glad this made you want to call your mommy... tell her hey for me Thanks for the offer.. But I have got eveything I can think of covered...even the broken fridge ... yeah I come home to a new one that someone else will switch the food for me... hmmm I wonder if they will clean my kitchen too
  16. SHe had an almost fatal allergic reaction to some dye they put in her system for a test... I was not good at all yesterday. today she is breathing on her own and I have been feeding her ice chips... I came home last night but had to come home to get my granny this morning. My Fridge died yesterday so this morning I went to go buy one . When I went by granny's to get her she left me... she got ticked I went to get a fridge...lol I was only 30 minutes late. so she left me She ended up getting lost anyway ... took me an extra hour to find her but we got here finally safe and so
  17. It is a board... I don't let it bother me. The only time I get upset annoyed is when someone e-mails my hubby at work trying to get me in trouble
  18. I always have to miss when y'all do Mexican... it is my FAVE!!!!! You guys have fun...
  19. Thanks for the offer but the University of Birmingham is still about 2 1/2 or 3 hours away from there ...
  20. we didn't have email when I was in high school we got our 1st pc in 1998 and my 1st email addy was ummm... idk
  21. we have checked but they will only give a room to my dad but not for the whole duration.
  22. *grill them *bake them for about an hour in bbq sauce * chicken helper meals by hamburger helper
  23. My mom is doing a tad bit better... it was really scary their for a moment. She was moved out of ICU into a real room in Anniston,Al so I am able to drive back and forth right now. When the DD gets out of school we are heading back up there We are still waiting on her to be transported to the University Of Birmingham Hospital. The surgery she needs only 8 in the USA do it. our choices were Birmingham or one n South Carolina. So if anyone has any connections with any Birmingham Hotels please please please let me know. The doctors told us to be ready to stay anywhere from 2 weeks to
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