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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. Lucky me...my poo paw called me back not so bright but ever so early...... ha He said that he can not remove them on their own that he has to file legal papers and get the SO to serve them. If not then the landlord could get in trouble if he forces them out on his own. The process doesn't happen over night or even over a week so they got time. But I agree with what another poster said... I would go ahead and move out. It would look better and better on your credit score. But also if the just up and leave they might be legally obligated to paying him some money and losing security deposit.
  2. My poo paw is already in bed I guess..he didn't answer...I did find this http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/article-29824.html
  3. heck no... it takes a few days But that is what he does... I by no means no the law. I will call him and ask... yeppers he is 84 and still a landlord...
  4. My grandfather has rentals and he usually has to file and eviction notice legally then once served they have 24 hours to get out...
  5. Thanks to lor`eal ... no gray hairs to the human eye she is getting her learners at the end of the month...a wreck is my biggest fear. I am sorry you had to go through this but glad she is A OK
  6. Glad the DD is ok... My dd will star driving this month
  7. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOO can you see me... can you hear me.... hey hey hey hey http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...=220456&hl=
  8. I posted it... it is ok...I am use to being invisible you can also join their FB groups
  9. I kow they say don't hate the player but to hate the game... But I love the game and really DISLIKE Natile
  10. I am not talking about last night ...ugh
  11. maybe you should send the kids to school in one of those mask thingies so they can't see their noses... but you might get a call about that too...can't win for losing
  12. maybe you should go to a waffle house and ask them you they use ...then use someone else
  13. I am sorry to hear this LPPT... Prayers are with you, your dad and the rest of the family I went through this 2 weeks ago and it was one of the scariest times for me...
  14. well your a few months behind all reasy...so when ever you come and dig it I guess. You kept sayin you were coming and then never showed up
  15. I am glad I didn't get in trouble for the witch that twitches comment
  16. i say we roll her house or summin maybe the summin could be trimming her monster of a bush that tried to eat my car when I pull in her driveway
  17. Nothing scary about KRM...she is uh-maze-ing The witch just gets a twitch when she has to meet new folks... it amuses me
  18. I did...I have been trying to bum some for about a week now on here It is my all time fave...Ingels makes some good puddin and I stopped there today so how was your pcom lunch while I was working hard at physical therapy
  19. BANANA PUDDIN :yahoo: like y'all care but I am super excited
  20. Sadie612

    OH MY

    Amen...and I am thankful for that. Lord knows I am not perfect( I just don't get put on youtube)
  21. Sadie612

    OH MY

    OOOMAZINRRRASSSEEEEE grace, How sweet duh sound...and I have no I dea what he said after that
  22. Sadie612

    OH MY

    it is like summin.... I can believe I didn't hear laughter... I would have been :rofl: :rofl:
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