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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. "Listen, Soda. You and Ponyboy, if the fuzz show, you beat it out of there. Hey, we'll get jailed, but you two will get the boys home, you know what I'm sayin'? You'll be missed Greaser!! Darry Curtis AKA Patrick Swayze
  2. how many times is the title gonna get changed and who keeps changing it
  3. I so forgot aabout point break... what a great movie
  4. I loved him and Chris Farley skits together on SNL my fave movies The Outsiders Ghost ROad House
  5. here is the TMZ article http://www.stumbleupon.com/s/#2PVAnK/www.t...k-swayze-dies//
  6. ME me me Ok Guys... we spend all hours of the day with each other here why not in the middle of the Ocean ( NO JLH you can not throw anyone over board)
  7. It is called flash mob dancing where they stage a few dancers in the crowd and gets everyone going... plus they also worked on it with 800 people right before the show
  8. The WHOLE crowd was doing the same dance and it looked sooo stinkin cool
  9. You could of confused the kid and told him it was another word for donkey
  10. That is amazing... we got 29 more years to go
  11. your welcome... When I saw it I watched it 3 times in a row.It gave me chills.
  12. I have to meet with a GM specialist about my car at 11ish... I really need my LemonAwesome car fixed My friends on Fb knows all the car drama... Everytime I cut my air on(which is all the time) or it rains my car floods oh I forgot so I have to sit this one out too... sorry guys
  13. rofl...I go on vacation to get away from you people... jk..
  14. lol... could you imagine a pcom cruise ... ha
  15. Good luck...My poo paw was in a wreck in July. The cop wrote a ticket and citied him for rear ending someone... but he was side swiped... we had pics and everything for court... the judge sided with the cop the insurance says cops are wrong a lot but it is your word against theirs and there isn't much we can do
  16. it is amazing talent... funny though My granny emailed this to me and said she was gonna get it.. I opened it and I told her I would take her to get it but would have to video it. She thought I thought she was serious ,,, gotta love granny's
  17. I just want to take a shoe to his back and splatter the thing freaked me out when I opened the pic...
  18. I like Ellen but not not an AI fan. I haven't watched it in years
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