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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Pubby, what up, dude? I find myself nodding to your comments twice in one day. Things that make you go, "hmmm...". :snappingfingers: Got it - it's that blood Mon thingy! Gotta be. Moon, dammit!!! Posting from somebody else's phone who loves autocorrect.
  2. Thanks so much! And I'm with you on gettin' close to her!
  3. I wondered that as well. Perhaps our resident eagle expert can tell us (lucky). The baby si so precious...All gawky and gangly.
  4. How utterly precious! I am loving that reddish hair, and I adore the name Lucy.
  5. Boy, that takes me back! If anybody could do justice to a modern cover, I think it'd be somebody like Dwight Yoakam who is true country and not one of these rock in country clothing folks.
  6. I'm so glad you posted this!!! I have done the exact thing like eleventy zillion times!!!
  7. I didn't know that, lucky. I'm so glad y'all got to go!!!
  8. RIP, Capt. Herb. One of the good guys.
  9. I knew who it was before I finished reading as well.
  10. I ran my hand through my aunt's wringer on her washer when I was little. Don't remember much about it but the crying.
  11. You know I don't really think you don't like me. I'm just messin' with you. And yes, I do appreciate the privacy aspect. Just don't make a mistake and wind up in Blondie's basement. 'Cause you can check out, but you can never leave. :skeeryface:
  12. 7yo nephew has been asking me about this for weeks. He would DIE on the spot if he got to sit up in a monster truck. His favorite thing, though, is the helicopter. Yes, I love standing in the hot sun getting dirt blown all over me because we have to stay to the end to watch the dadgum thing take off.
  13. Oh, dear. This is worse than I had imagined. Bless your heart. You certainly have your work cut out for you on this one.
  14. What field would she ultimately like to be in?
  15. Privacy is a major reason I don't do FB. I have a twitter account but don't tweet and only sign in occasionally. I also do not use Google anything except maps because theirs are still the best. My search engine is startpage.com which is powered by Google but which blocks all tracking, etc. I also have ad block on Firefox (soon to switch to Pale Moon)...I don't see ads when I visit a site. Another thing I run is ghostery...it's an add-on that blocks all tracking if you make sure the settings are correct and up-to-date. I also make use of the spam and junk settings in my email program. I
  16. It's very clear...Our love is here to stay. Not for a year, but forever and a day. In time the Rockies may tumble, Gibraltar may crumble, they're only made of clay. But our love is here to stay.
  17. If he ain't change lawyers, perhaps you could get him to go to a good accountant who then could suggest a good lawyer after reviewing the situation.
  18. Wow. That is a true quandary. Yes, I don't see how giving him money is going to help him. Did the parents' estate not leave him anything? Any property assets he could sell? Also, wouldn't the IRS' claim be against mother's estate? I'm pretty sure kids are not liable for parents' debts.
  19. Oh and tell her to get ready for Paperwork Hell.
  20. Sports Source used to do this. I admire your daughter. I wouldn't be able to do it without going insane.
  21. Again, I don't care enough to look it up, so I'll take your word for it. That just wasn't what your original comment sounded like to me. Thanks for clarifying.
  22. The way it works in parts of Europe, etc., is that everyone wanting to join themselves in a union goes to the courthouse to do the Civil part, and then if they want to be married in the eyes of God, they go to the church and have a separate religious ceremony. I like that. Legally everyone everyone is taken care of, and those wanting a religious bond have that as well. As long as churches were free to marry couples or not marry them according to their beliefs (just as churches do now), this would work for the gay community as well.
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