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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Nina, we are praying as well. I heard the same thing about what a nice couple they are. Please ask your brother to pass alongthat we are praying and remind them that God is bigger than any storm. Amen and amen.
  2. HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA. That was awesome, dude. Mrs G, he was being facetious about the airport...Cartersville already has a good airport. And yes, it has 2 exits off I-75 and they are rerouting 293 to accommodate the increased traffic.
  3. This is a Very Big Deal. Eventually to include world-class sports medicine facilities a nd all manner of other stuff.
  4. Well, saved the state a lot of money. Holy crap.
  5. Amen! HWAM, hug your husband for me, will you? Even in such a horrible thing, so many miracles.
  6. Sorry, I got nuttin'. 'Cept I first read that as STD and I'm thinkin' gee the don't sound too good.
  7. I worked with a guy once that I was worried enough about him doing something like this that I documented his behavior for his boss and my boss. He had been through a messy divorce and between the ex gigging him over seeing his kid and the imbibing of alkeehawl, I was seriously concerned. Then he got fired and my concern ramped way up. Thankfully, he never did anything but I swear I wouldn't be surprised to this day to hear he had gone off the deep end.
  8. Rumbling north of Crossroads, too. I have WSB Ch 2's weather app on Mother's smartphone and it's giving me alerts. It's free. Twins!
  9. I KNOW!!! I'd take her in a heartbeat, but I'm in the same situation as Rookie with an elderly fraidy cat who hates all other animals.
  10. I've never heard of that but if an atty recommended it, you'd think it would be legit.
  11. Karate is EXCELLENT to provide structure and discipline for kids. They are DRILLED that it's never to be used for aggression and only for defense. Somebody else can comment about the young age but when 17 yo nephew was testing for his 3rd degree black belt in the tae kwon do, there was an adorable 6 yo girl there testing for her 1st degree black belt. I really cannot say enough about the positive effects of taking martial arts. This does sound like a difficult and complicated situation. Many factors at play.
  12. Yeah, Betty the non-attorney makes more sense than mei lan the non-attorney.
  13. I don't see why your name would need to be on the mortgage if it's already on the deed. You may want to make sure you have enough protection insurance - wise to pay off the mortgage if something happened to him. Zorro is correct; however, that would require probating the will. If a person is already listed on the deed with the survivorship clause then the property is automatically theirs if something happens to the other person. A quit-claim deed is something you use to give something to another person outright...I can't think that would apply here. NOTE: I AM NOT A LAWYER AND I
  14. Praise the Lord!!! :doinghappydance: I wanted to ask but figured you'd update us when you knew something. Praise the Lord. I am so sorry they went through all that. I know he's from there but there's not enough money to pay me to set for in that hellhole of a country again. Praise the Lord!!!
  15. I bet they are close by. Somebody's gotta be findin' the girl some food!
  16. Totally, cause that's how the Creator of the universe always makes Himself known to people. Also, I ain't gonna say what that looked like to me at first glance. heh
  17. I kinda think I get what he was trying (oh so poorly) to say; however, whatever his point, he should have known that any statement about blacks would be used against him and make him look like a racist - not to mention like an abject idiot. He had public momentum totally swinging his way. Then he opened his mouth, stuck his foot in it, and poof! Why people think it's EVER a good idea to talk to reporters is beyond me.
  18. I hate loud noise!!! I mute commercials on TV, I keep the sound down more than most people and I LOVE sitting in the house with absolutely nothing on. WAIT A MINUTE...that is to say, without the radio or TV on.
  19. Whatever his legal standing, he just vaporized any and all support by running his mouth. Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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