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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I love the Mills Brothers. Also the Ink Spots. And I do love that song. Brent Spiner, who played Lt. Cmdr. Data on ST:NG, did a nice version of it on a CD I have.
  2. I be here...been busy outside today. You didn't embarrass me...that I know of. To what do you refer?
  3. Good heavens. Geez - whoever started that in the first place didn't even think to confirm? :smh: Yeah, I love it. Gonna run right out and get me a FB account now. NOT.
  4. My mom says the same about us, d (if she had it to do over). Thanks for your precious words.
  5. I agree, dana. I absolutely adore old people and I love that they were 88 and 87 and lived on their own. Ye gods. Excellent thinking about why they snatched her, Ms. Ga Storm.
  6. I don't usually put my opinion forth on this because people get so riled up. But if I had kids, I would do whatever it took (legally and morally) to not send them to public school. My sister is a single mom and 7yo nephew's father was killed in a car accident when he was 1 and three grandparents are dead. So my mother and I pay the tuition for him to go to a private school. I know many think I am too "out there" but so be it.
  7. Imma thump your head, twin. I just realized what happened...my settings got changed somehow and it wasn't showing all topics. All is well now.
  8. Yes, we know...Mr. Perdue made sure to tell us. And everybody knows all of those college-educated geniuses in government have done such a great job. Not. Some of the dumbest people I have ever known have great degrees. Conversely, some of the brightest people I have ever known did not go to college.
  9. I can't see it. Maybe something is wrong on my end since this topic posted three times. Gah!!!
  10. I looked in the political forum but it's not there.
  11. I'm voting for Nancy Jester for state school supt. And Karen Handel for Senate.
  12. God bless you for your service, sir. Vietnam vets have a very special place in my heart. And thanks to Zorro and all other fine folks who served. Y'all really are my heroes.
  13. Frigidaire is now owned by Electrolux. I've had good experiences with the Frigidaire appliances I've had.
  14. Well, just...damn. I'm glad she isn't being held somewhere and afraid but...damn. Sheriff: ‘Now we know Shirley Dermond was murdered’ | www.ajc.com http://www.ajc.com/news/news/body-found-at-lake-oconee/nfyLR/?nmredir=true
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