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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwww...love the pic of them with their bottles on the sofa...how precious.
  2. Yeah, that is pretty nerdy right there. My love of same motivated me to learn how to embroider by hand. Don't have much time right now, but MAN that stuff is lovely.
  3. And how is the big ol' feller? And how is the 12-year-old by now?
  4. I don't get it. Cedarcrest already goes from 92 to 41; Seven Hills could have to cross Cedarcrest to get to 92, and even that would marginally put it closer to I-75. What am I missing?
  5. What's the latest on the dog attack the other day? Are your babies calmed down by now? What happened with the German Shepherds and their nice owners?
  6. If I may add another thought to this thread - NC is absolutely CORRECT about teaching kids the proper way to handle something. I had a great illustration of that way back when the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings were going on. She said he made remarks to her about how big his...er...equipment was, and she was so offended, blah blah blah. I was working for a humongous world-wide corporation at the time, and we had a girl intern working for our group from Ga. Tech. Sort of country-ish, and definitely geeky...not at all a man-eater. But neither was she a shrinking violet. We were discus
  7. Yeah, that's a fine line to try to walk, but if you're having trouble deciding if you're walking it or not, I think that means you get what being a protective parent is all about. You have put great things in place, and I cannot FATHOM letting a kid access the internet, etc., unmonitored. Heck, I have extreme controls on my computers on account of my nephews, and they don't even live with me.
  8. Hmmm...that sounds like a good caption for I Can Has Cheezburger.
  9. Oh, come on, now...stop with the common sense stuff!
  10. I'm of this opinion as well. Just be prepared for horrific morning traffic. I would also call ahead and ask about handicapped parking (do you have a pass?)...that should put you right up near the door.
  11. Go get you a neti pot at CVS or Walgreens or Walmart. Watch a YouTube video of how to use one, and then make the solution up 1/2 strength (packets of baking soda/something else come with it) and wash out your head. Truly, that one thing has minimized my allergies like nothing else ever has. I got a headache the first few times I did it (which is why I said make the solution half strength), but now it's sort of routine. Sounds gross (and is, 'cause you blot out lots of snot and gross crap), but OH SO WORTH IT.
  12. I HATE when that happens! I got my heart broken and stomped on flat two different times before I got the house I'm now in (which I love beyond belief and cannot imagine living in either of the others now). I HATE starting that process over, and I HATE waiting. I'm truly so sorry. :(
  13. Boy, that's an understatement...on many levels.
  14. I get what you're saying, BMR, but I think any American citizen can (and should) be proud of his or her vote, no matter how they voted. It is one of the most precious rights and privileges we hold.
  15. Y'all keep us posted. I love me some whup-arse stories involving punk-arse kids.
  16. I say, Miss Eloise, pretty good first post. (And welcome.)
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA Oh, dear Lord, I'm dyin' here...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA :wipingeyes: That is frickin' hilarious. hahahahahahahahahaa
  18. I personally think we should make them an offer they can't refuse (heh) to relocate to Zimbabwe.
  19. Ooh, I love this! The only person I've ever done it for was a WWII veteran...we were in Stuart, FL, eating at a Cracker Barrel...pretty swank area, so I doubt he needed the money, but he was eating all alone, and had on a sweatshirt that identified him as a Marine from Iwo Jima. My father was a WWII vet who also served in the Pacific (Navy), and I have always been so awed by these humble gentlemen. I waited till he was finished, and as he got up, I walked over and got his check, and told him I'd like to pay for his lunch, and thanked him for his service. He told me I didn't have to, of cou
  20. Oh, SNAP! I now have a great idea for 3-year-old nephew for a treat when he comes over!
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