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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I don't disagree with that...it would be a good move. But what magical pot of money does this come from? Federal DOT? Just curious... (I couldn't watch the video in its entirety since I'm at work; I only ff to get to the map.)
  2. From what I could tell from the map (that was hard to see; I had to pause the video), it looks to go west of 61 mostly, west of Dallas, and then I lost track after that as it went on south. Might be a legit idea, but in this economy? I don't see it happening. We shall see.
  3. AMEN, SISTER!!! But when I said are any of these people mean, I meant your daughter/SIL and her neighbor (daughter of the mean dude). Could they learn to be mean like you and me? Just sayin'... RE: behavior - someone close to me allowed some pretty horrific behavior by her significant other, and when we found out about it, we were STUNNED. This girl was NOT raised that way (to allow such crap), and honestly - I mean, we're looking at each other thinking WHO DOES THIS SORT OF THING?!?!? So I'm with you there, sister.
  4. She went running after him in a jealous rage thinking he was going to meet a woman and he just had his arms up defending himself when she ran into them and fell off the bridge. After which he conveniently got amnesia which is why he didn't tell the police. OR...she told him she wanted a divorce and that didn't set too well with he.
  5. I would second Agent's comments. Location sells, but price REALLY sells. A home is worth exactly what a buyer is willing to pay for it on a particular day. If you see a house that's been for sale several months, it's priced too high for the market, I don't care what they've done to it.
  6. I've been mulling this over, and I think one reason this makes me so angry is because there are children involved. HOW DARE THEY?!?!? I mean, you want to pick on adults your own size, feel free. But to involve little kids? Oh, hell no.
  7. If it were a one-person operation, you could put a recording on saying I can't take your call, but leave your message and I'll get back with you. Not saying you want to do that, but it would be an option. I personally have several friends who run businesses out of their homes where this is the case, and their customers don't seem to mind. However, if I were in that situation and didn't want to let a machine pick it up, I'd just hang up as soon as I realized who it was. My life is too short.
  8. Oh, hell yes. The only thing some people understand is pain to themselves. I'd make it ABUNDANTLY clear to them that if they ever even THOUGHT about messing with us again, they would wake up in a world of hurt. Biker friends or no biker friends. Sometimes, you have to look meanness right in the eye and back it down. Whatever it takes is what I'd do. Does his daughter have a restraining order as well? Do any of these folks know how to use a weapon? Are any of these folks as mean as you and I are? I say, pull crap like that. OH, they would be so sorry. I like that! (But did y
  9. You mothers can speak to this better than I, but to go off and leave five minor kids? I can't think of anything that would have made my mother go off and leave us. I know there are some women who do, though, so I suppose it's possible.
  10. Yeah, I ain't buyin' his story. I didn't see the interview, but it just looks creepy from the get-go. Add that to the Muslim-sounding name and the many incidents in the last few years in this country of Muslim men offing their wives/daughters...yeah, he's first on my suspect list. Maybe he didn't do it. But I'd sure squeeze him till he screamed like a little girl.
  11. Do you have caller ID? Just don't answer any calls from any number you don't recognize. Do you have an answering machine? Let it screen all calls; those who know you will talk till you pick up. I personally refuse to answer the phone for anybody who calls me unless I know their number. My life is too short to put up with crap.
  12. I have never understood this utterly STUPID (which I know is a subjective word, but I calls 'em like I sees 'em) practice of lumping fire/LE/public safety in with all the other budget departments when it comes to cost-cutting. Seriously?!?!?!?!? You're telling me that it's just as important to keep the W. Cobb Liberry branch open (which I frequent because I buy me a Cobb liberry card every two years) as it is to keep fire and LE types staffed??? YE GODS. Yes, let's keep those parks and rec and library crap up and running and we'll just furlough/cut fire and LE to match. GAH!!!!!!! I h
  13. Yeppers. I don't click on anything.
  14. Oh, my Lord - are you me?!?!? That's why I hated Destin the last time we went...could not even MOVE for the people and touristy things. My idea of a vacation is sitting in the shade with a good book and taking lots of naps.
  15. Dude! If that was it, those are some future Darwin Award winners. ER - responding to Sound Guy's comment, not Nature Girl's.
  16. Ah...that would be a mile or so from us as the crow flies. :runningtogoogleacetyleneballoons:
  17. Lowrider and Pwilhelm - my heart breaks for you, and I pray God surrounds you with His comfort and peace.
  18. Two questions: a) I thought this was LEGAL, if it's in the right-of-way. 2) Who did the 911 operator tell to leave and that it was illegal - the woman or your daughter?
  19. Well, that as naturally my first thought, but somehow I forgot to mention that to the E911 chick. This would be about five miles north of you, maybe (as the crow flies).
  20. We heard three extremely loud explosion-type noises last night around 11:45, 12:00 and 12:30. Anybody else hear them and/or know what they were? I called 911 just to advise, but they hadn't heard anything as of my call. Weird.
  21. Wow. Great advice. That helps me with things I want to motivate myself to do.
  22. True story. Bees are VITAL. Mark, I read recently that some collaborative group between some univ. like in Minnesota or somewhere and the US Army (go figure) came up with what they think has been killing off the bees...some combination of fungus and something else. I think they said that both things have to be present for the bees to die, so they're targeting the fungus to combat it. I think that's what I read/heard/saw/whatever.
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