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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Somebody's always fixin' to die. Just sayin'. I have never had those feelings...that is to say, I've had those feelings, but never when they "came true", so to speak. BUT I do not discount them. Many things I do not understand in this world.
  2. Well, OP, I am HIGHLY OFFENDED, dammit! How DARE you! Great points, all, and I would second the part about keeping your garage doors closed when you're not outside working nearby. The vast majority of crime is that of opportunity, and if you don't give them an easy opportunity, most criminals will move on to somebody else. Also, lock the door between your garage and your house. It's one more obstacle for them to have to get through if they want to get to you and your stuff. Also agreed about not putting your home address into your GPS system. I saw a creepy "Criminal Minds"
  3. Icons would be cyber kisses. But I'd still kiss you in person. I ain't skeert.
  4. For the record, I didn't actually threaten the baby. I just threatened to threaten him. Shemar will do that to a person.
  5. Very popular with the Brits. I seem to remember Working for a Living doing a solo vacation to SE Asia...maybe she went there?
  6. I had it early last week, and then today I don't feel so good (in the same way). I HATE THIS STUFF!!! Also, my boss was snarky about my being out for 4 hours over two days. Next time I'll just stay out the whole two days and see how he likes it.
  7. I don't understand it. Not if he has information that could put the murderer of his niece away. Family member or no - I'd be telling everything I knew. However, IF it was because he couldn't remember what he said, that's different.
  8. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! :raisinghandlikehorshack: I'd like to! BUT...prolly couldn't come in person. Would/could it be online? Or might you be willing to impart information to those of us restricted by time?
  9. Oh, puhlease. Ryan Reynolds is a kindergartner compared to Shemar. At least there are only three of us - wait...I forgot about redneckgirl...four of us fighting for him now. CATFIGHT!!!
  10. 10-4. Hey, if they need a fabu employee of the admin ilk, mention my name. I get what you are saying. I'd work wherever I wanted, and yes, I would carry my papers in my pocket 24/7. I might or might not choose Georgia. I think that's one of the things that would make me the maddest if I were a LEGAL immigrant...being automatically lumped in with ILLEGAL immigrants because there are so dang many of them.
  11. What do you do and where do you work, if I may be so bold as to ask? I agree on your thinking, btw. Ye gods. I can see it, the way things are going. MAN, that is bad. The ONE good thing about the coming inflation is that it'll drive prices up. Trouble is, that will be ALL prices.
  12. Yeah, ain't skeert. I'll just threaten to hit your baby with a stick and you'll go running off crying. I'm meaner than all of you'uns, and he's MINE.
  13. Why would it bother legal workers? If I were a legal immigrant, I'd just be prepared to prove my legality at any time, and be thrilled for the right to be here. Just curious...
  14. I like him better with his beard. And I'm sorry - I can take both of y'all...he's MINE.
  15. As my brother and his friend used to say, "I am he, he is me, we are we." Copschick, as I said, not negating your feelings at all. For some folks, it's a natural mourning process (having lost the opportunity for something you wanted).
  16. That ain't right. DFCS would have been there if it was. Wait a minute...DFCS wouldn't have been there, I don't guess, if no 2-year-olds were present. So, were any 2-year-olds there, copschick? We need to get our stories straight. Inquiring minds want to know.
  17. I'm not a Disney fan (nothing against it...I have a lot of friends who love it), but that's not the only reason I wouldn't be happy with such a proposal. I would be MAJORLY hacked if a guy proposed to me in public. Just my personality. MAJORLY MAJORLY hacked. I would not like it, and if he didn't know me any better than that, I rather doubt I'd be saying yes. Of all the replies on this thread, the one I like best is footballbeerchic's. What a lovely story and a MARVELOUS perspective you have. Not dissing copchick's missing the memories thing, because you feel what you feel, but I jus
  18. Good one. I can't beat that. But watch out, 'cause people's gonna start bustin' on you for creative thinkin'.
  19. I'm ALL for deregulation, but this sort of deregulation, which only gave the utilities more power, SUCKS. Every time I get a power or gas bill and see that STUPID customer service fee, I just want to bang my head against a wall.
  20. Yeppers. I've said it before, too...I love your topics. But I wasn't here yesterday, so now I gotta go find out what caused the fuss. :scurriesofftofindtroublebookwormstartedyesterday: Again...totally agree.
  21. 'Em right 'ar is some smart ticks, 'em are. Meant to add that a good friend was correctly and quickly diagnosed by an ER doc with Lyme disease several years ago in June...he was SICK AS A DOG, but improved dramatically and quickly once they started the antibiotics.
  22. Wow...I salute you, young bbq dude. I predict you will go far in life. Thank you for speaking the hard truth.
  23. I'm in agreement here. And Surepip, no, I would not have fought it. I have seen too many sorry stories such as yours, and I don't think I'd have had the fortitude to take them on. I just hope your case somehow works out WAY in your favor. I get sick every time I think of this travesty. I have done everything I know to do to make my opinion known to the powers that be. So I'll pray for you (He's even bigger).
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