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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. WHAT?!?!?!? He's MINE!!! Mine, I tell you!!!
  2. Such a nifty idea - connecting two roads that intersect about a mile away, and for only $8.5M!!! Such a deal!
  3. Face in the Crowd was a great example of pure creepiness. Eerily prescient.
  4. Yes, when seconds matter, the police are only minutes away.
  5. Agreed. I've read we are three days away from stores being empty at any time if delivery services were interrupted. I see nothing wrong with storing up several months' worth of food and supplies. In fact, if you go to any of the emergency preparedness web sites, they will tell you the same thing. CDC, ready.gov, GEMA, and others have checklists for that sort of thing. Better safe than sorry is my motto.
  6. Bobby Lee Cook. I am a certifiable fanatical fan of the Andy Griffith Show, but only the b/w episodes with Barney. The later shows after he left weren't nearly as good. The supporting characters on that show were terrific. It was such a cute picture of small-town Southern life back then.
  7. Lying has always been legal. This is America. Shameful (lying about military service), yes. Illegal, no. Right decision.
  8. Well said, girlie! A couple of other thoughts: - DGITW's remark about the lotion is spot on. The Jergens stuff is great and you don't look like you just got out of the hospital. - Any man who says hose are not hot and itchy in the summer should try wearing a pair all day on any average day in the summer. Come talk to me after that.
  9. And I certainly agree. No way would I send a kid to a private school where I didn't understand what they teach and agree with it.
  10. It's accurate. I found this yesterday and did snicker:
  11. Thank you. Also, vouchers are for anyone. Poor people can get them, too, and that's a major way for them to get a better education for their kids.
  12. Whereas little ol' cynical me figured they knew what time she went to bed and decided to play the doorbell game and bother her just for the heck of it. Either which way, I think if I put my mind to it, I could help them understand it's in their best interests to get offa my lawn. ( )
  13. I know. I wasn't arguing with you; I was just noting it again. I thought it worthy of distinction...I am in favor of the ruling.
  14. OK, I'm not jumping into the general fray here, but I am genuinely interested in what states rights would have to do with this case? If I understood it correctly, they're basing it on first amendment/free speech, which would trump the right of any state.
  15. Looks like it banned MANDATORY life without parole sentences? From what I could tell, anyway. Which I don't really have a problem with. I'm no softie on crime and am a proponent of capital punishment (when carried out properly); however, I do not like the idea of mandatory anything concerning minors. Lots of possible mitigating factors there. Oh, I also read that Pennsylvania has more juveniles serving life in prison without parole than any other state.
  16. How do you know it wasn't homocide? Maybe he killed a gay person.
  17. This horse ain't just dead...its rotted carcass has already been picked clean by the vultures and the there's just a greasy spot left in the road.
  18. SOAPBOX!!! SOAPBOX!!! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303410404577466662919275448.html?mod=WSJ_hp_mostpop_read
  19. Dude. You are never going to get elected this way. However, at least it wasn't
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