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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Thanks for the heads-up, lowrider. Lady Raider, y'all are in my prayers.
  2. RE: PC Shopper's poast above...you stated "While it may not have been the homeowner that was the "issue" and was just a victim of circumstance, there was a reason the police were there and 2 are in custody. Perhaps the victim didn't know what was going on, but, it was a child with the drug activity going on." Where did you see the part about arrests? I haven't seen anything in the stories I've read.
  3. Right here in Paulding: Shepherd's Rest Women's Shelter HOTLINE 770-443-5213 24 hours a day, 7 days a week http://www.shepherdsrestministries.com/ Edited on account of I was too goofy to put the name. Der...
  4. I've always said "theatre" as well, and YES IT IS PRETENTIOUS!!! What good is it being smarter than everyone else around us if we can't lord it over them?!?!? Get with the program, girl!
  5. What gave me away? It was the black garbage bags, wasn't it. Yes, there are. And mean people suck. (Also, check your PMs.)
  6. For some reason, when I open a topic, if there's a poll, the window opens BELOW the poll, so I don't know it's there. But I voted now, so you can rest easy.
  7. The hospice folks told us that this is very common, and it happened with my father. During the last years of his life, either Mother or I (and most times both) were at his side. The hospice folks suggested we make arrangements with the funeral home in advance; my sister is creeped out by such and asked to stay with Daddy while Mother and I went. The hospice folks had give him two to three more months; first time Mother and I had both been away from him literally in at least three years. He walked on ahead while we were gone. The hospice folks said it seems like the person wants to spare t
  8. Bless your heart. :shakingmyhead: BTW, topic title would be a good name for a rock band.
  9. I've read of many such stories by gun owners on gun blogs, etc. Even gun shop owners. Some of them said they "KNEW" the gun was unloaded because they remembered unloading it or whatever. Until they remembered that they then reloaded it for some reason. They emphasized that EVERY GUN IS ALWAYS LOADED, PERIOD.
  10. Excellent points!!! My father taught all three of us to shoot by the time we were each about 10. We knew where the guns were and where the ammo was, and both were unlocked. I can't think of what would have possessed us to bother either of them without permission. We KNEW better.
  11. Obviously I don't know the details of this incident and am not commenting on it. But last weekend, I was visiting brother/SIL. My eldest nephew (age 31) had brought a new Sig Sauer .357 he had purchased to show everyone. He's very gun-savvy, so no hi-jinks by him. I was walking past to help my youngest nephew with a computer problem, and my sister had the gun looking at it, and it was pointing every which way. I put my hand on it and pointed it to the floor and told her to watch where she pointed that thing. They snickered, and I told them you NEVER point a gun at something you don't wan
  12. Marcus Luttrell and his compadres are some of my heroes. God bless them every one.
  13. True dat. EXACTLY. And due to the nature of the call and the play, the potential rally couldn't be reconstructed even if they had overturned the call. In the Women's College World Series final game, OK was on its way to beating AL, but then came a rain delay that favored OK and AL got all charged up about it, and you could FEEL the momentum shift. AL went on to win.
  14. Agree. I'm guessing they called that safe just to avoid more drama. He was out.
  15. I saw a sign in downtown LA showing $5.69/gal. I doubt it's all that high, but I'm hearing $5+ a lot in CA.
  16. Well said, sir! Stupid wild card addition. Totally agreed. My brother and I have said for years that the Braves won all those years in spite of Bobby Cox, not because of him.
  17. Thank you...I defer to your obvious knowledge of the rules. I wonder if the attendance sheets were sent in?
  18. They played so badly they deserved to lose, the chumps. HOWEVER, that call was egregiously wrong, and by the way it was made, even if the play were reinstated, the rally couldn't be recreated. MLB and that boob Selig won't reverse the call.
  19. Well said! Yes, OP, I'd imagine you are in shock right now, and that may last for a little while. Then, you may feel afraid and angry and all sorts o other things for a good while. We'll pray for you to feel safe and know the Lord's comfort.
  20. THANK YOU!!! If it's outside the perimeter, it ain't Vinings. If it's south of the log cabin church, it ain't Vinings. And some may disagree, but I say if it's on the north side of 41, it ain't Vinings (I would call that Cumberland area).
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