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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Won't he just bond right out?
  2. More interesting info. Thanks!
  3. OOH!!! That was excellent! I followed every word! Now if we can get an answer to your last question, which I wouldn't have even thought about (natch)...
  4. That is frickin' hilarious. "Barbara Manatee, manatee, you are the one for me, one for me..." (for you Veggie Tales lovers out there...)
  5. OK, you're gonna have to talk slowly. I'm a right-brained girl who understands basically nothing about all this. So the generators have to be cooled? Is that what causes the steam coming out the big stacks over there? And hydrogen is used to cool them...is that volatile? Latest update from the Rome News article says that only minor injuries at the plant, and the hospitals do not expect any influx of injured people. Good news.
  6. I grew up in a house that was built in 1899. The materials used were far superior, and the workmanship was superior (although things like insulation, etc., weren't). I still love the old houses.
  7. I used AVG for years, but in the last few months, my computer became noticeably slower. I did some digging, and found where AVG was the factor for some folks. So I got rid of it and changed to Microsoft Security Essentials (well-regarded by the folks at CNET and other computer folks), which I have running on my laptop. My computer is noticeably faster.
  8. Rome News-Tribune reporting that Redmond has three ambulances and Floyd has four ambulances there waiting to carry any injured to the hospital. Ambulances are being kept away from the area until authorities can confirm no chemical spills, etc. http://romenews-tribune.com/view/full_story/22159311/article-UPDATE--Explosion-confirmed-at-Plant-Bowen--police-ask-people-to-avoid-area?instance=home_news_lead Article says a generator turbine exploded. What could cause that?
  9. In which case, a change to the topic title would be warranted.
  10. OHHH. Well, I knew it had something to do with the ground.
  11. Gosh, I am loving this thread. Thanks, Subster!
  12. The Health Dept. has a map of where the septic tank is located at each residence in the county.
  13. Well, Mr. Postman does post a lot of...shall we say, different things, but this one is legit. MANY banks and employees have been found to be perpetrating fraud. The best one I heard about during the last couple of years was the couple in FL who paid CASH for their house (i.e., never had a mortgage), and Bank of America foreclosed on them. Took them some months and an attorney to get it straightened out, and they got a judgment against BoA. Which of course they promptly proceeded not to pay. So the couple's lawyer got the judge to issue an order to seize BoA property, and they got the
  14. TMI, dude. My house was inspected for radon by the seller (a relo company) before I purchased it. No problems were found, but I have heard of more people testing for it, etc. Seems like I recall you need some sort of barrier between the ground and the house? I dunno...
  15. I have been called weird and made fun of for years by most of my friends (they're not mean about it, but they are serious) for choosing to spend so much time with my family. I love my family! They are my best friends! When Daddy walked on ahead to heaven, Mother moved in with me. I tell people she doesn't live with me in the sense of a decrepit older woman holed up in a bedroom watching TV; we live together happily and get along famously. Both my siblings are the same way, and my SIL and former BIL love my parents as much as they love their own, and they both definitely enjoy being around
  16. This is a major reason I'm glad the atty. gen. prosecuting the case has convened a grand jury to consider charges against other people. He told one of the players he'd just make this all go away. I hope they round them all up, put them in jail, and then bulldoze the football stadium and its surrounds. Geez Louise.
  17. Use startpage.com for your search engine. It's powered by Google, but it blocks tracking. Google Maps and Google Earth are still superior to Bing.
  18. mei lan


    OK. I knew of your feelings, so that's why I wondered if that had something to do with it. I guess I'm used to my mother being the antithesis of the stereotypical buttinski MIL...my SIL and former BIL love my parents more than their own. Well, love probably isn't the right word...they love their own parents, but they are far more at ease around and feel happier with my parents. And my parents worked hard to make sure nobody ever felt like they were barging in or trying to tell somebody how to live their lives.
  19. I wonder what the symptoms were that prompted him going back into the hospital? She'll prolly elaborate when she has a nanosecond to think. Thank y'all for keeping us FB refuseniks updated.
  20. mei lan


    I don't get this. I'm not saying your feelings are illegitimate; I'm just saying I don't understand them. I call all my nephews "my baby" or "my darlin' " or "my sweet baboo", and always have. Obviously I didn't birth them, and I didn't help raise the older three. I'm not laying claim to them, nor denigrating the mother who gave them birth; saying "my baby" means that he is precious to me. Do you feel this way about everyone saying it? Or is it only people you already could live without saying it that bugs you?
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