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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Can't speak to VA loans, but the closing costs are in line with what I've been hearing. She can always counter and say she won't pay, OR she can say I'll pay closing costs and add it to the price of the house.
  2. Preach it, sister. Also in the news this week, the IRS says it can access anyone's e-mail that has been left on the ISP's server for longer than six months without a warrant. (Another reason to download e-mails.) Yeah, that makes me real comfy.
  3. True story. I can't click on the article 'cause I don't wanna cry. But we love our animules.
  4. Their bench is awesome. With the exception of maybe Schaefer, who did well the other night, they may have the best bench I've ever seen.
  5. I didn't even think of that...the drugs thing would be huge.
  6. Just guessing here - lower education levels, despair, generational habits?
  7. I also read the other day that some study or other has found that children in the womb learn to recognize not only the sound of the mother's voice (and father's if he talks to it in the womb), but they can differentiate between languages when they're only a few hours old due to it. Awesomely interesting stuff. I hadn't thought about talking to small children, but I can see it with my nephews. We have always talked to them about anything and everything, and included them in conversations. We have made a concerted effort to talk to them honestly and as if they were real people, so to spea
  8. He really did. I don't agree with the man's politics, but he is a frickin' genius and a true visionary (on the order of Steve Jobs, IMHO). There really wasn't much on cable back then, and the powers that be pooh-pooh'd the idea that there ever would be. So he put the Braves on (who really were hideously awful back then, even with Phil Niekro and Dale Murphy). Then he decided to back off and let John Schuerholz take over and the rest, as they say, is history. Think of all he did: - Braves on Channel 17/WTBS nation-wide - CNN...everybody laughed at him for this, and said nobody
  9. Amen, bro. Ditto Bobby "Let-Me-See-If-I-Can-Get-Thrown-Out-Of-Every-Game" Cox.
  10. Ol' Brian's gonna be lucky to have a job when he comes back. Just sayin'... Did you hear the fans in the stadium doing the tomahawk chop? Of course, the Braves have been America's Team since Ted T. had the foresight to put them on the old Channel 17/WTBS years ago.
  11. I do use AdBlock. And yes, Google is one of the worst offenders. I don't use them for anything except maps...their maps are still the best.
  12. George Orwell says hey, I told you so. :sigh: I do everything I can to remain anonymous. I know a smart cookie could find out information, but I am not gonna dish it up willingly.
  13. That's exactly what it sounded like! Thanks, hon. (Sorry you were awake...I know the feeling. )
  14. Stuff like this absolutely INFURIATES me. Our tax dollars at work for us. :angry2: Oh, and how stupid were they to think that word wasn't going to get out? Ye gods. Frickin' idiots on several levels.
  15. I refuse to go outside...I HATE that grimy feeling! :ick: My allergies are actually better...I'm allergic to tons of things before the yellow pollen hits, and by this time, whatever I'm allergic to (myriad trees, grasses, etc.) is gone. Woo hoo! Oh, and Blondie - it's not your sinuses. You dork.
  16. Those folks are great movie makers, IMHO. Very insightful stuff.
  17. I LOVE concrete countertops!!! I'd be too skeert to try it on my own, though. As to the OP's questions - I am a purist, so my answers are 1. Hasn't been around long enough to get reviews, so I would stick with paint; 2. Granite 3. Wood (and paint, not stain...just my personal preference).
  18. hahahahahaa I'll have to go back and read the entire thread when I have time. Hilarious. (Redneck construction is a lot like redneck decorating - the motto is "that'll do". )
  19. Didn't see him, but heard my first one yesterday! I was lying down behind the pool pump working on it (don't ask), and I was wearing red shorts and an orange shirt. He buzzed me twice and hovered near me both times...I guess he was sad I wasn't food. I couldn't stop what I was doing and look, but that just made me laugh and laugh. Silly little animals.
  20. All I can say about somebody who would make such a remark is that they've never been in such a situation, or they wouldn't say idiotic things like that. Besides being cruel and mean, it's just stupid. As she said, she's been stuck in that one room for 150 days straight, as well as being consumed with the stress of wondering if her only child is going to die. I've both been there (in a way different circumstance) and am close to someone who has been there (in the exact same circumstance). It's not something I would wish on my worst enemy, and the mean people should get down on their knee
  21. It's going to be four-lane with a 20' median between 61 and 41 (there at the Third Army intersection where the new I-75 exit will be going in). Prolly increased speeds, BUT a divided highway, which is good. http://paulding.gov/index.aspx?NID=769
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