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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. The other clips I've seen of him shows him up close. The other clue was where it said "PAUL HUNT" near the beginning of the video. :snicker:
  2. Assuming you watched the video, it's a guy who is obviously a very talented gymnast performing a comedy routine on the women's parallel bars (quite difficult for women, and I'm guessing even moreso for men, in that their bars are different). In WFAL's defense, this video doesn't show him as well as some of the others do (the moustache doesn't show up well in this one, for instance).
  3. PURE AWESOMENESS!!! Oh, how I wish more people would do stuff like this. Man, I am loving this. Contrast this dude with the football coach in Steubenville, OH, where the two players (perhaps more; they just don't have enough to charge them) raped an unconscious drunk girl. That coach told them he'd just make it all go away.
  4. The first time I ever saw that, I nearly busted a gut. A friend and I used to have season tickets to see the UGA gymnastics team, and it's one of the best in the country. So to see this made me realize just HOW talented this...person...is.
  5. Amen to both. I think this was a silly ruling, IF they weren't firing towards the bus stop. But either way, I'm with this. NO WAY.
  6. Mr. Piggly Wiggly (whatever his real name was) invented the first grocery store. Prior to that, it was the general store set-up like you see on TV where the clerk gets you what you need.
  7. That is totally adorable, and I had no idea Rhonda did such great work! Kudos to both Papi and Rhonda. :wub:
  8. IDK what's got their panties in a wad about the Salvation Army, but this is categorically not true. See Snopes link below. FTR, the passage in Romans 1 is talking about a spiritual death - being separated from God for those who don't believe in Him. The Salvation Army is a FANTASTIC organization and it does not discriminate against any group. They were the first on scene in NYC in 9/11 and when the Red Cross wouldn't go near the wreckage of the Twin Towers, the SA was there giving out water and anything else they could get their hands on to the workers. Their overhead runs at right abo
  9. Antonio Banderas is a major step up from David Hasselhoff.
  10. I just ignore any bees or yellow jackets at my feeders. They don't seem to scare away the hummers, so I don't worry about it.
  11. SHOCKER!!! Twins are we!!! Yes, I refuse to watch the coloredy episodes. It is the best series ever. I believe I read that Don K. left the series to do movies because he thought Andy was doing the same, but Andy decided to stay with the series but Don was already signed up to do several movies. Whatever...it was never the same. The b/w of the older episodes just add to the wonderfulness of them, IMHO.
  12. I don't think I've even ever heard of this one. :goingtolookitup: stradial knows a modern term!
  13. I got the idea that speed bumps are the smaller versions used in shopping centers and the like, and that speed humps are the larger things like in nicer neighborhoods, etc. IDK.
  14. It sounds like you're right - she could step right back in like she never left. Holy cow, I wish he had taken his sister's advice. It ain't rocket science...just lock the doors (which should have had the locks changed a long time ago), and don't let her in. But now, with them not even being legally separated, that makes things much more muddled. Man, what a horrible mess. And what a mess of a person. I'm sorry this is causing such stress in your lives.
  15. In some countries, they're called Sleeping Policemen.
  16. Totally agreed here. I put him in the category with Mike Myers and Ben Stiller. WAY talented, but they choose scripts based on the Hollywood meme that the movies that appeal to the most viewers are those geared for 17yo boys. Very sad. So I Married An Axe Murderer is one of the greatest modern films I think I've ever seen, and it was done before Myers went over to the dark side. I was thinking about Clark Gable, and I think why he gets on my nerves is the same thing I don't like about Cary Grant sometimes. I LOVE Cary Grant in serious films, like An Affair to Remember nad Notorious.
  17. My favorites in this list are No Time for Sergeants and The 39 Steps. I have the DVR set for Lifeboat and The Lady Vanishes. It Happened One Night is ok, but Clark Gable gets on my nerves in every part he plays EXCEPT FOR Rhett Butler (and I can't imagine anyone besides him playing the part).
  18. I don't know any legal particulars, but your BIL needs to get something formalized like YESTERDAY. And he for DANG sure doesn't need to let her be staying in their house. That cannot end well. He's already let her have WAYYYYYYYY too much freedom to damage the three of them.
  19. Dammit - 12 responses, and not one of you'uns has said what night trick-or-treating is!!! GAH!!!
  20. Arrrr...I've been known meself to watch Spongebob. The earlier episodes are esp. hilarious. Saith the Dread Pirate Mei Lan.
  21. FASCINATING and hilarious piece on the origins of red hair. And a lot of things I didn't know, such as redheads needing 20% more anesthesia to be put to sleep than the rest of us. Anyhoo, we love our redheads, and thought you might find this interesting. Also including a pic of my favorite redhead (besides rhondaw, of course). http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/03/what-causes-red-hair/
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