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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. IDK. Besides me, the others are named Xi Lan and Po (yes, ZA did a shameless tie-in with one of those Kung Fu Panda movies, in exchange for some $$$, I'm sure). Watching them after they start walking is gonna be fun.
  2. Ooh - I didn't know that was gonna be on already. I read that they are getting back to the original intent of basing on the crime/investigation instead of personality stuff with these newer episodes. :runningtosetdvr:
  3. Check out the ocunty health dept. I think they are free, but don't quote me on that. Could be a sliding-scale based on income (or lack thereof).
  4. HHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHJAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That right there is frickin' hilarious, dude! (And in all seriousness, I NEVER forget when somebody lies to me, and I do not trust them henceforth unless they have taken huge measures to regain my trust. Which no politician ever has to my recollection, save the Honorable Zell Miller.)
  5. DING DING DING!!! I think we have a winner, folks. Honestly, that has to be it. Why else would so much back-and-forthing be going on for MONTHS (or years, perhaps) about one dude and his contract with the county? I understand the billing issues discussions, but that's just normal stuff. This obsession with Sam is kinda creepy, IMHO. I'm not originally from here, but from people I trust, I hear that he's a super-nice guy who may be just a little too nice and therefore has gotten into trouble financially. At any rate, I wish him well. As Tricky Dick Nixon said as he left office, the
  6. Check out the little monsters now! They're over two months old, and are around 7 lbs. each. They are getting wiggly and squirmy, and as their hearing is maturing, they are easily scared by things now. They will be named when they are 100 days old (end of Octoberish?), and they will be fully mobile at around four months old. Right now, Lun Lun doesn't realize she has two babies (it's the nature of the panda world). But she will soon enough. Poor Lun Lun.
  7. My system pings the Ackerman system on a regular basis. If the Ackerman system doesn't get a ping, or if it detects the lack of a dial tone, it will call me. If I do not answer, it will send police. I've had them call me before when the land line was out is how I know this.
  8. Well, dang. Vince Flynn and now Tom Clancy. The world is a sadder place.
  9. I don't understand the obsession with the ambulance service here. It's not like we're gonna go without.
  10. I've had Ackerman for about 13 years, and have had very good service from them. I think it's $18.95/mo. for the first year and I think I'm paying $20.95/mo. now. Anyhoo, I just recommended EMC Security to my next-door neighbor...they came out quickly, set her up, and her bill is a good bit less than mine. She is very happy. I'd prolly go with them if I changed. (I hate when people say "prolly". I do it just to annoy myself. )
  11. You are just the sweetest thing.
  12. TOO LATE!!! I am PAST offended by you and your smart remarks!!! Oh, hon - some folks are right there with Granny Clampett and have car tags that say, "Ferget, HELL!"
  13. My mom was watching Ina Garten or Ree Drummond the other day on the Food Network, and she said there was a crawl going across the bottom of the screen saying something like "we hear how much you miss Paula and we do, too, and we hope to have good news soon" or something to that effect. I think they acted beyond precipitously in firing her. I am not defending her, because I don't really like her (although she does have some good recipes), but in this instance, the Food Network cut off its nose to spite its face. Stupid.
  14. It got swallowed up by "the Land of Give Me Something for Nothing and Pay the Gubment to Put a Tag on Your Damn Bicycle Already".
  15. :raisinghand: I think this stinks. Every part of it sounds stupid to me. Edited to add that I am not a formal member of any tea party organization. I just identify with small government/low taxes/personal responsibility principles.
  16. Have you ever read Erle Stanley Gardner's western short stories? They are fantastic. I can take or leave his Perry Mason stuff, but his western stuff is awesome. I wish he'd written more of that genre. Can't beat Louis L'Amour for western stuff.
  17. Yes, you do, twin, standin' there all cool with your flip phone lookin' through your 8-track tapes for something to listen to.
  18. I'm serious. Not somewhere I associate with high society.
  19. The Bible. (Said in the most pious voice imaginable.)
  20. I dunno - this is Utah...I'm guessing he'd have a lot more support from parents than he might in some other locations.
  21. Correct - he's dressed as a girl and he does do a PAINFUL-looking pratfall-type routine on the uneven bars. He has to be very good to do that deliberately bad routine that well.
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