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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I do agree, and only because she has a lifetime of earning my trust do I trust her so. I'll tell you what's sad, though - I know SO MANY people who have parents who have not only not earned the trust of their children, but who have actively harmed them. It's very sad, but sometimes the person you SHOULD be able to trust is the one you have to keep a distance from.
  2. I could not agree more. The only person I trust without reservation is my mother, who is the epitome of goodness and grace. She has exhibited honesty and truth to us for decades.
  3. I think you got a better deal with your Jude Law hubster and sweet family you have now.
  4. Yep, and the XM station Willie Nelson Roadhouse is great, too.
  5. I wouldn't mind trying that with Hertz, IF you could get a local rental available for a Hartsfield drop-off, but my mother tried that with Enterprise with disastrous results (they were frickin' clueless and she was left without transportation).
  6. yes, and I believe the sedan was a paid-for Camry. I have two stories - the first, years ago in another life, I worked for IBM at the Hillside/Lakeside location (where the new North Atlanta High School is now near Mt. Paran Church). The Education Division was HQ'd there, and that day I was subbing for someone in that area. I had heard a rumor that Mrs. Sam Walton was in the building for some demo of spiffy education charity something. I was in the ladies room in that section, and noticed a VERY attractive lady with clothes, hair, makeup/nails, etc., to a T - late 50s, maybe - and though
  7. I read a good while back that the label heads in Nashville are pop music retreads. Figures.
  8. Purty picture, stradial. For a nickel, it'd kinda look like a casket topper. (Yes, I am a sick, twisted freak.) Happy Christmas, everybody!
  9. Paul Ryan has really stepped in it vis a vis his future in national politics with this deal. What a putz.
  10. Oh, I do love you. You got a new turlet? I'm jealous! I love getting new stuff like that!
  11. TP, this is the definitive version of the lime/coconut song.
  12. Dang it, Aunt Bea got to it before I saw it. But twin knows I don't give him much grief on spelling and grammar. Bless his heart. And you busted on me for not eatin' sushi. :blech: I'm sorry you've been sick, stradial - that is a truly horrible, awful, wish-you-would-die feeling.
  13. DAAAAAAAAAAANG...some folks know how to live!!!
  14. Didn't grow up there, but lived there for a few years, and know many others from there. A great little place.
  15. I've been feeling this way for a week. I hate it. But I have year-round allergies, so this isn't unusual for me. I think the warmer weather brings stuff out in my case and sets me off. Or anything mold/mildew or.... I'm sorry you feel so badly. Do you take anything on a regular basis? OTC Zyrtec works great for me, genearlly. Sometimes the allergies overwhelm it, but if I don't take it, I am in abject misery.
  16. I figured it out quite by accident one day. Hit multi-quote on each replay you want displayed as quoted; then click on Full Editor at the bottom of the reply box. All replies you checked will be there with the requisite [ quote ] and [ / quote ] parts there so you just have to insert your comments.
  17. Eddie, the Budweiser in the pic in your post above made me think of this...I love these dudes!
  18. Great version of that song! I'd never heard of this group before, but they have a very nice sound.
  19. YES!!! I keep thinking, ooh - just one dinner wouldn't do it. I'd like to have most picks for like a week to myself out in the country just to talk and listen (esp. listen). For which I thank the Lord every time I think of it. But you're right - he would make a fascinating subject of study in person.
  20. I will add one thing, though - even if she was joking, it was foolish to put it on social media. She should have known how it would be taken. Which is exactly why (or one reason why) I don't have a social media account*...I am so irreverent, sarcastic, satiristic, and flippant that I'd be forever in the doghouse if I posted even a tenth of the wacky things I think of. * I do have a Twitter account, but I do not tweet...I just follow a couple of people for news, etc.
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