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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I have to say, there are a couple of these posters on here who just come across as idiots. Sorry to steal your siggy Papi, but they truly are. I also like your "dumbass" comment. Well put.
  2. This is all bull crap. They aren't leaving. I am in an industry heavy with hispanics and they are telling me that you are lying. Go figure. What would we expect from you and your socialist ways.
  3. Wow, reading all these posts shows that all of us are still suffering from "end of the world" blues. Seems like it is going to take a few more days from getting over the anticipation of last Saturday evening. It'll be ok folks, this weekend is 3 days. :yahoo: :yahoo:
  4. Not saying this in a mean manner at all, but we all should take better care of ourselves when we are younger so our later years won't be consumed with popping pills all day. I'm sure the goose is great to eat but isn't it a very high fat meat? If so, no wonder for all the meds....just humbly trying to say.
  5. If their behavior is ok, then others behavior of starring and gawking is ok. Don't judge that behavior either. Don't judge the behavior of the one who is complaining about half naked women either. Sure we can do what we want but there are consequences to everything we do. Good and bad. If someone wants to call these girls sluts then they have every right to do it. Just as others can do what they want in their yard, others can do what they want in theirs. It goes both ways. Remember, you're judging others when you say something about someone judging others.
  6. I take the tv hat on vacation. I get bored when I drive for a while.
  7. 99% of pcom hails what you said. Right on sister.
  8. If you put the hockey team in an area of Atlanta where the fans live, you might have a better response too. I think all the teams would benefit from this as well. Most people don't want to drive into town where accessibility is a nightmare. Not worth the aggravation.
  9. I wonder if the communist group going under the letters ACLU will pick up on this story and defend this criminal in court. This seems just the story for those Karl Maxinians and Communists to jump on and get major publicity for. Just a thought.
  10. Typical leftists. Is anyone really shocked?
  11. How many times did he "slip" and "fall"......... :rofl: :rofl:
  12. You know, if someone wants to have a party at your house without you knowing it, just throw him a surprise party the next time. The only problem is how many people to invite. .22 , .38 , .44 , .45 , or my favorite .357. I'm sure he will be shocked.
  13. I agree. Didn't like what Deal did at all. They all need to get over themselves.
  14. Don't forget that the community organizer who currently occupies the WH tried to bar FOX news as well. He didn't get very far with that one. I guess you can argue the fundraiser point but you can't argue this point.
  15. For the record, I didn't like what Deal did either. I'm with you though, this isn't about Deal. Leftist can't stand the exposure. I'm quite shocked that there hasn't been a Nazi reference yet.
  16. Good for the Boston Herald. Some sensible journalism. :clapping:
  17. You always like playing "Grasping for straws"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  18. Continue on my life and being a witness to the one and only true God. I'd be excited waiting for the ride of my life. Not gonna happen this week but one day........
  19. It is truly a shame how some people take it over the top.
  20. Do you have a kid on either team? If so, I hope you understand that I am just trying to show how it appears from an outsider. I will say there were about 1/2 the parents just sitting and cheering. I fear they feel trapped and ready for the season to end more than anything.
  21. I was told about what happened the week before from someone else. (An unbiased person). There apparently was an issue about using bats that had t-ball written on them. They are illegal in this league. Coach should have known that and not let it be an issue for a game. I don't know the extent of the argument. One comment that I heard yelled from the diva's side was "Run over him is you have to". I don't think the intent was meant that way but it sure was taken that way. That is when one parent yelled across the field "What are you teaching the kids?" and that is when the comment about
  22. Yes they are. Last night at that game, the worst comment yelled had to be "My God, what kind of parents are you? You're worse than the kids". How are the kids involved in that denigrating comment? What did they do? They're five and six. And this was yelled across the infield.
  23. Watched a tee ball game last night at New Hope. There was a team named the Eagles and another team called the Divas. I don't think I have ever been entertained and disappointed so much in my life surrounding a baseball game. Keep in mind now, these kids are 5 and 6. T-BALL. Apparently this carried over from a week ago so tensions were high going into the game. I have to say that some parents, not all, shouldn't be parents. If you are raising children with that kind of behavior, don't be surprised if you don't become good friends with a probation officer, a juvenile judge, and a defa
  24. And saying something that is true doesn't make it true either. The only thing that makes it true is that it is true. Got it? It is true.
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