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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. This guy most certainly is a democrat.
  2. Which is actually against pcom rules............ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I had to put it LPPT............... :rofl: :rofl: :wub: BTW, I didn't give the negative. Oh, my opinion on the matter....I don't have one. Too early this week to think.
  3. I was going to say the same thing. Rarely do any cars reach that speed unless it's 4 am. This wreck happened 3 cars in front of me this morning. We were only going 40 mph at best. Prior to the incident, there were several times we had to hit the brakes quickly because of something. Don't know why but the flow of traffic wasn't happening at all. BTW, from what I could see, it was a small white (?) pickup like an older model Nissan frontier type truck. At least that size anyway. Couldn't tell the vehicle they hit in the rear. Appeared to be a classic "rear ender" with stop and go t
  4. It was an act of war against an enemy. I praise obama for continuing the effort to destroy our confessed enemies. Maybe one day you'll understand. Who am I kidding........
  5. I would have to say that the "most ignorant" thing on pcom is hiding behind a hideous avatar claiming to be a woman.
  6. Yep, have that kid thrown in jail. There is no doubt that abuse toward plants as a youngster will ultimately result in that child growing up to become a logger. Something tells me that this thread is more about animal abuse than anything else.
  7. Those poor little plants having to give up their lives for no reason other than the exploitation of man. Something needs to be done about this. I wonder if they are being killed in a humane way or are there videos on youtube that we can download to see the atrocities?
  8. I knew it wouldn't be long until senseless dribble entered into the picture.
  9. They left off the definition "just a plain idiot".
  10. But wait...........zooscrew said we were out of the recession and everything was better. I don't know what he is thinking but I'm sure we can find a 'bookmark' where he was claiming everything was all good.
  11. I wish we'd had a shot at it. I've been following this for several years but never heard a word that we were in the running. Should be a wonderful facility.
  12. Looks like a mad dash to the finish line for the economy and the 012 elections. I hope the elections cross first so we can have a chance to climb out of this community organizers socialism. What a waste of a vote for 53% of Americans.
  13. It's just a clip from wikipedia. The assessment can't be understood because it isn't a true assessment. Give him time to go and read more on the subject. In time, he'll see the error of his thinking. The gov't needs to lose the ability to cast fear over the citizens through the IRS. Even an infant can understand that.
  14. Poor, poor, screwie........still having problems adjusting to normal people. Maybe one day you'll find a friend. I'm going to bed.
  15. At what point did you start thinking that I cared what you thought? Talking walls posts are evidence of my conclusion. Common sense prevails once again. Good night.
  16. Dap, he is a disgruntled old man who looks in the mirror and sees a life of disappointment so he must blame those who have made something of their lives. Leeches always look for other victims as a host. Talking wall is no exception. As for his post, another case of plagerism.
  17. Look at nj using the sucks word........lol
  18. Some folks are incapable of seeing past their own circumstances, thus unable to make rational decisions that affect a country. Thanks for trying to help guys.
  19. Can't compare the two. You don't have to own a car. You can ride a bike, take public transportation or walk. Please think about your comparisons before speaking up with something that isn't relevant. I didn't say you were a socialist. Go back and read again. If you favor those programs, then you favor socialist programs. Clear?
  20. My neighbors h/c is not my problem. Mandate this, would ya! I guess you are in favor of socialism if you think the gov't can make you purchase a product. You appear to be that kind of person. BTW, I'm not in favor of paying for destroying fetus's either, but the gov't seems to get around that too.
  21. Making me pay for your health care is terrible. Go support yourself. They have already ruled the right way, it just you're on the wrong side.
  22. I don't know who called it in but I saw this blanket this morning and if someone mistook it for a body inside needs to have their eyes checked. I swear, I think some folks just need attention. A blanket must have fallen off a truck using it to cover something. As the cars drove over it, the wind rolled it down the road. I guess it eventually made to the side.
  23. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  24. The only weed being smoked around here appears to be from you. Dude, this makes no sense at all. Please sleep it off.
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