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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Adoption is a big responsibility. I hope he raises his son right.
  2. There is a code of ethics for teachers in Georgia which is enforced by the Professional Standards Commission. Per their standards, sex is not allowed with a student. His teaching license will be revoked if it has not been already.
  3. Teachers can't have sex with students in high school or younger.
  4. For a minute there I thought a personal computer had killed someone. Great editorial- We need to get this guy to move to Atlanta.
  5. Thanks for the pics. I missed the parade, but enjoyed looking at the pics in my warm house.
  6. I'm with you - I sort of lost interest as well. However, I think I have seen every episode of this last season. I wonder what's next for Tony Shalhoub? I think he has been type-cast because of Monk.
  7. ....of Monk? This is it. We finally learn about his wife's killer.
  8. Yep - it will still work. A router is just a really dumb computer. Once it is programmed by connecting it to another computer, you can cut the umbilical cord and it will work fine.
  9. Take a look at TrueCrypt. http://www.truecrypt.org/
  10. Call me now if you still need help. Mike 404-234-2703
  11. I listen to VM's ASAP. One thing to keep in mind: if the phone rolls straight to VM, that means the phone cannot receive a signal and the call will not show up on caller id. In this case, you must leave a message including the number.
  12. The files you wanted were probably already written over.
  13. Since you have been here for 5 years, you probably already know this, but just in case: All of the milk and bread will be gone by Thursday night or early Friday morning, so make sure you have some on hand. People here like to crash their cars into other cars when the flurries start, so stay off the road and away from these drivers.
  14. Give this program a shot: http://download.cnet.com/Restoration/3000-2094_4-10322950.html?tag=mncol
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