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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Regarding the OEM version: If you use the OEM version to upgrade, you are responsible for providing your own technical support or paying someone for support. Microsoft will not help you. For most people this will not be an issue, but it is something to be aware of. Another crazy tidbit of info about the OEM is that the Microsoft licensing agreement states that you cannot install it on your own computer. You should only use it on a computer that you sell to another individual. Therefore, you need to install the OEM, sell the computer to a friend for a penny and have them give it back to you
  2. I second the motion for taking it to a professional. More than likely she has more than one infection and the only way to guarantee a clean machine is to format the drive and reinstall Windows.
  3. PM sent. If you purchased your computer after June 26, 2009, you are entitled to a free upgrade. If you purchased before that date, you will need to buy Windows 7. More info here: http://www.microsoft...ade-option.aspx
  4. Yep - you should be fine. In reality you probably already have SP3.
  5. You should give Windows 7 a try on the Vista machine. It is much better than Vista. For machines with XP, I recommend sticking with XP.
  6. Yes. It only applies to XP. Are you having problems with your Vista machines?
  7. The fix for this is to install this update from HP before installing SP3: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/genericSoftwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=pv-60484-2&cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en Once the update is installed, SP3 will work fine. This is only applicable to HP computers with AMD processors.
  8. We had Domino's. It took them 1.5 hours to deliver. Grrrr!
  9. I'm glad to have Chip back in the booth. More here.
  10. While many have found success in performing the upgrade with Vista installed, I always recommend doing a clean install. Three methods for doing a clean install with the upgrade disk can be found here: http://www.winsupersite.com/win7/clean_install_upgrade_media.asp
  11. You can still get XP from Dell. They laptop will have Windows 7 with a downgrade option to XP.
  12. Here's the pole. Let's see if anyone shows up.
  13. Today is his last day. Pictures from his retirement luncheon are here.
  14. Prayers for your wife and the rest of the family.
  15. Give me a call and I will help you over the phone for free. Mike 404-234-2703
  16. My favorite weird story of the day: More here.
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