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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. I usually start losing weight the first day, granted it is all water as a low carb diet is a powerful diuretic. Ketosis usually does not occur until the second week.
  2. ATC is closed today, not tomorrow. They had a heating problem today.
  3. I spent 3 winters in Minnesota. Driving there is a piece of cake since they have educated drivers and the proper equipment to maintain the roads. Driving in Georgia scares me mainly because of the other drivers on the road.
  4. I have had one in the past. Now I have a 1976 Chevette.
  5. You got it Marc. Hang in there.
  6. I took a quick look at the AL site. Per their statement, they only have info online about current prisoners.
  7. Make that a thermocouple. A thermal coupler sounds like a fancy blanket you use with your spouse when it's cold.
  8. It sounds like the file is a picture and your default program to open pictures is a Microsoft product that needs to be activated by entering the product key.
  9. Wow - that's $345 per pound.... and I thought beef was expensive.
  10. Somebody buy one and give us a review. More here.
  11. Ridiculous! If the TSA agent really thought that this play-doh was a plastic explosive, why was the airport not evacuated and the bomb squad called? I would be thoroughly ticked to know that this idiot had endangered my life by not evacuating the airport. If there is no need to evacuate, let the kid keep his play-doh. More here.
  12. The beeps are an attempt by your computer to communicate to you what the problem is. The pattern of beeps vary depending on the problem and the hardware manufacturer. Here is an introduction to beep codes: http://www.computerhope.com/beep.htm
  13. Thanks for the info. Hopefully these ads will stick in folks minds when fires are more common.
  14. Hmm....I'm not aware of any special keys, but post the model number and I'll do some research or you can try a google search.
  15. Hmm...I just had her pegged as a crazy lady with a great voice.
  16. What's up with all of the Smokey the Bear commercials? It seems like every channel is running them at every break. I did not think that this was a time of the year that has a high risk of fire. Who is paying for these commercials?
  17. I had been with Comcast and their predecessors (Wometco and Media One) for 20 years. Customer service was always awful. We have ATT Uverse now and I love it.
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