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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. I'll hug, but make it quick, my wife is watching me.
  2. We agree on this. The majority is not always right.
  3. Please do yourself a favor and go learn about depression.
  4. Wow - I think I'll stay out of this town. Sounds like the cops are named Rosco and Enos and the mayor is Boss Hog.
  5. Here is the segment you referred to. A very touching video. http://www.myfoxatla...Jim_Axel_060909
  6. Those that are severely depressed and attempt suicide can't even imagine that there is a solution to the pain that they feel. They feel trapped and slowly eaten alive by the pain that consumes them. Mental pain can be just as painful as other diseases. While I certainly do not advocate suicide, I understand how people come to a decision to end their own life due to a illness. They just feel that the situation is hopeless and will do anything to make the pain stop.
  7. So you are saying that the suicide attempt was completely unrelated to his depression? This will rock the scientific community.
  8. While some people with depression are unable to functions, this clearly is not the case with Mr. Richardson. There are people with depression all around us and most of the time no one knows because everything seems normal.
  9. That bird will have a neat story to tell its kids.
  10. The performance gain is noticed more on low end machines. You have a very high end machine. If you are happy with the performance of Vista, I say stick with it.
  11. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it contradictory and ironic, that so far, 3 people have completed this survey by checking the box that they do not take surveys?
  12. Outlook Express was not included with Vista. Instead "Windows Mail" was included. Windows 7 does not include a mail program, but Microsoft states that you can download Windows Live Mail. I am not a fan of desktop email clients for home users, because most users do not backup their email data. If the hard drive fails, all of your mail data is gone. Instead I prefer web mail which stores all of your data online. Doing an in place upgrade of any operating system always carries a certain amount of risk that something that will go wrong. An in place upgrade is akin to changing the tablecloth on
  13. The iPod Touch does more than play music. You can also surf the web with it, plus it has over 50,000 applications (programs) that you can run on it. Check it out and I'll bet you will be asking Santa for one.
  14. Read more: http://www.thesun.co...l#ixzz0WxXqOLFX
  15. I think so. He can do just about everything I can except drive.
  16. You are welcome. I new the little fellow would come in handy one day.
  17. I have not thought about Tom T. Hall in a long time. Thanks for posting.
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