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Everything posted by auntneet

  1. Y'all are killin' me...
  2. You and your husband are in our thoughts and prayers...
  3. Feel better Zoo! I do think it's change in the weather, and allergies - If I get the flu, I know I have the flu... look at it this way, your immune system is building up -
  4. You don't have long black hair???
  5. That I went to Greece to search out the graves of my great-grandparents...
  6. So sad... prayers for them and family...
  7. Cremation for me... When my SIL passed, she was cremated. She loved rafting, so family and friends took her ashes to a rafting locale in CA. My BIL said a few words, and his children released the ashes in the water. Then we all boarded rafts and "chased" her down the rapids. It was so fitting, and I'm sure it was what she wanted...
  8. Now that's a great experience for a child, or anybody for that matter...
  9. Oh, I just love that... all little "sissy" dogs should have their own pink beds
  10. Been reading the posts, best wishes for your Mom's surgery - and I will say an extra prayer that you don't kill your Granny - (sounds like the last irritation you need right now)
  11. We have the sleep masks at the store - I'll fix you up... good suggestions above - I hit the bed like a rock every night, plus a cpap, so the earth could move and I wouldn't know it. Nick does need some kind of light, my sister always had to have nightlight - I need to chat with you too a little later...
  12. I love those colors too - brown is a hot color right now!! Lovely!
  13. I believe there are quite a few - we've had walkers in the store... you might check with your walking coach and ask if there's a list. When I walked it, they had lists of walkers and their practice walks so you can join up with others - it's an event you'll always remember, I can promise you. Applause to you!
  14. Starbucks Pike's Place, black, when I have time I like a French Press...
  15. The nice part of it is the softness of that yarn - we're hearing oohs and aahs...
  16. I haven't learned how to reply to several at once... our cosmetologist recommends clearing out your makeup due to the chemo taking out your immune system. The lack of defenses can wreak havoc with any bacteria-laden product, and even a simple reuse of a mascara wand can set up infection. We talk about this in the session, and give tips on how to avoid possible problems...
  17. Thank you so much PauldingMom - and how are you??? Please stop by or call and give us an update - Big hugs back to you!
  18. Next Monday, we will have our monthly Look Good... Feel Better "mini-spa" session for women dealing with the effects of chemo and radiation. It's a 2-hour make-up course taught by a cosmetologist, and dealing with the physical challenges faced during cancer treatment. We also talk about turbans, wigs and we laugh a lot - If you know of anyone who would like to come, give us a call at 770-222-6678. We have room for about 2 more. These programs are monthly - so pass the word!
  19. Hey Lady, Hijack back: I don't know - I'll check at 9 when she gets in and pm ya -
  20. Another "Handmade by Zooski" Beauty - The Spa Collection in Concert with Soaps/Lotion/Salts by IGF Flower Washcloth, Bath Puff, Soap Mitt, & Headband Crocheted with Absorbable Cotton Yarn Flower Washcloth - $8, Bath Puff & Soap Mitt - $4 each, Headband - $4 Soaps by IGF Made Exclusively for PAK in Pink - Pink Moonbeams, Herbal Embrace & Soothing Seas Nice gifts for you or someone special...
  21. You just never know what challenges folks are facing... the comments here are good - thoughts & prayers for you and family... you will make the right decision
  22. Hey Tona, You know I love them - and I'm sure Susie is thrilled... Anita
  23. You so welcome - will see you guys Friday!!
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