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Everything posted by partiesbykellys

  1. Thanks for the update! I was wondering if they would call off Basketball practice. Happy Dance, I do not have to get back out in the cold tonight.
  2. Years ago, the weight fell off me when i started this diet but it make me sick now. Dizzy and very weak if I try. Unionmom was correct. It is a very strict diet or you will gain weight, and drink lots of water to help flush out the fat. Everyone is different, but I tended to lose it 5 pounds at a time..lol..crazy ...but not gradual like most diets...just a few days and then bam 5 ounds and then maybe a week and 5 more pounds. good luck
  3. Someone friend me...kelly haas shackelford there are 2 of us, if you can believe that. I am the one with a photo!
  4. Try it again. I just cleared out some pm's thanks
  5. My middle son has a moderate case of ODD. Have you tried Martial Arts/Karate? It was the perfect sport for Jordan. There are no "gray" areas and it feels it is very fair. It is very structured and he feels safe and normal. It has helped him with focus and it has helped him with discipline. He just tested for his black belt, and I will tell you, it has made the world of difference. Night and day. I would get a second op. just to be certain. Also, contact workingforaliving, she is gem.
  6. Check this article out and the benefits of a strong, healthy relationship with your partner. wow! 1. A longer life In a British study, men who had intercourse at least twice a week lived longer than men who had sex less than once a month. A U.S. study had similar findings, and a Swedish study examining the sex lives of 70-year-olds found that men who died before their 75th birthday had ceased having sexual intercourse at earlier ages. The Swedish study didn't find that women lived longer if they had sex more frequently, and neither did a study in North Carolina. However, in
  7. It is just now hitting Rockmart/Aragon area. Rain with sleet mixture
  8. If you are close, Rockmart has one. It is across from Goodyear School behind the tennis courts.
  9. My husband is retired from General Motors and we have average (if that) insurance.
  10. I like B since it is the closest to year round school and I believe it to be better for kids .
  11. I still have 2 dates left!!! Just been informed....for the whole month of Jan., Hostesses will get 40% off their order!!! (min. $500 party..my part average is $600-$750 so that is super easy) wowzers!
  12. C P King's Old Place 1. What is the name of it? 2. Did they enclose the side porch and if so, can it be used as a meeting room?
  13. My tortie taugh herself how to use the toilet! She gets very mad if you walk in on her..lol... My diluted tortie is the queen of the house (she is a senior cat) and is very smart.
  14. You can move it to Alabama! Many people use older mobile homes on Lake Weiss as a Summer getaway. My grandmother's trailer was lik 30 years old (in better shape than most houses0 and we sold it to a guy to move to Alabama.
  15. The moisturizing properties of Bosom Buddy make it superb for your lips and you'll find the tingling will put a smile on your face. Just for kicks, or to get your partner to linger longer, use this as it's meant to be used and feel the tingling a little further south on your nipples. Choose from two sumptuous flavors: Mandarin Orange and Raspberry (2 oz. plastic jar). AKA...it wakes the girls up..lol It is for your lips or your nips
  16. Be the first lady to join my team in 2010 and receive a free case of Bosom Buddy ($120 value) PM me for more info
  17. For the first time in almost 20 years, a bright "blue moon" will grace New Year's Eve celebrations worldwide. (Take a moon myths quiz.) If the skies are clear, revelers looking up at midnight will get an eyeful of the second full moon of the month—commonly called a blue moon. The last time a blue moon appeared on New Year's Eve was in 1990, and it won't happen again until 2028. http://news.national...-years-eve.html
  18. Hello I bought it and read it in one day. Very much like new Non smoking home but I do have cats. I use a bookmark so no dog earred pages Very, very good book. hc/dj full size I am looking for to trade it for 1 of the following Dean Koontz's new Book: Breathless Michel Crichton: Pirate Latitiudes James patterson: Witch and Wizard Dan Brown: The Lost Symbol
  19. I am. I have had a relaspe of the flu and at the moment, I am covered up and not going anywhere
  20. here is the tool you will need. My son did not need this for his Xbox or I would let you borrow it tri-wing http://vpgames.com/nsearch.aspx?keywords=triwing+screwdriver&gclid=CJH16anPgZ8CFR5inAodSCOYKA and last but not least, your child was not the first to add change to their wii http://forums.lovingwii.com/nintendo-wii-hardware/425-guide-disassemble-nintendo-wii-video-pictures.html
  21. Check online for instructions. My son fixed his Xbox 360 himself by doing this. Note: once you open the case yourself, you more than likely void the warranty here is one http://www.hanger.or...structions.html
  22. There were no set age for me, it was more of a "feeling" I got with each one of them about when the sex talk is needed. Start slow and make it natural that way when they are older and sex becomes a temptation, they are more apt to talk to you about it. Ask him what he knows about it and see what he says. My daughter learned at an early age (I think 2nd grade) because someone in her class decided to tell all ...and I mean all. I have no clue how someone that young knew so much about everything. I even had to skirt around the "a" word with her. Imigine my horror when she came home and a
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