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Everything posted by copschick

  1. yeah, my cat isn't real fond of qtips. I get them out and he runs!
  2. love love love Dr. Breckwoldt! And Shannon, his nurse, is fabulous!!!
  3. OMG...ROFLMAO Oh dear Lord, My coworkers think I am INSANE!!!! I have been laughing my ass off!
  4. NC and Cletus...this is why I you both!
  5. Well, here I go...probably gonna piss alot of you off with this one... What does him being "Christian" have to do with anything? Couldn't it just as easily be said that he was black? I agree with the other poster who mentioned that he didn't say anything about the church. It was PERSONAL compensation he is seeking. Before everyone jumps my case, I'm not racist...just pointing out the fact that we are so quick to jump to conclusions. Hell, if someone promises me money for my time/effort in doing something, I expect them not to go back on their word. My religious beliefs have nothing
  6. dammit...whens the next fish fry?
  7. oooh hunny...I know the feeling. We've had quite a few humbling experiences with ours the past few months. Teenagers suck!
  8. a friend of mine was just telling me about this one last night. THANK GOD I no longer have to worry about any of this business!
  9. at this whole thread; however, on a serious note, it caused a crack in the Washington Monument
  10. Hey now...I'm from Cobb and relocated to Yorkville. I happen to be happy in my little subdivision
  11. thanks for the peppers Cletus! Now that you realized who I am and all
  12. oh no! That is horrible Hope you like it better in Cobb
  13. now the banana peppers I'll take!
  14. ugh...shouldn't they have checked out my children and I when Tow started with the county and put us on the insurance to freaking begin with???
  15. lemme see if the parents want some
  16. I already have JARS full!
  17. Tow got one of the cowhorns when I took some the last time! Set him ablaze!!!
  18. he doesnt but he knows that in order to screw with other things, he has to keep me happy
  19. you are right...and Tow falls into category #2
  20. Im thinking that they don't have snacks.
  21. woot woot! Cole's barber shop is the bestest! We love Dana!!!! He cuts Tow and the little Tows' hair
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