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Everything posted by copschick

  1. Your personal gift giver that is! Mother's Day is coming soon! Let me put together a custom gift basket that she will love Baskets in every size for every budget! PM ne for details!
  2. I'm about to head out to Rockmart to feed the kiddies...can I call you in a bit?
  3. :rofl: I don't wanna use an eyeliner called Amber....it would be yellow!
  4. Ding Ding Ding!!!! You win!!! :yahoo: you wanna win me????
  5. Ok...here's another hint: Eye love popsicles!
  6. I'm glad you and those near you are enjoying it!!!
  7. Eye use it almost daily...er I mean "I"
  8. ok...I'll give RAM one because obviously she guessed it BUT I'm gonna keep this going till someone else GUESSES it...new rule...cant copy and paste! KEEP GUESSING!!!
  9. no strings attached...all you have to do is guess what product I have on my mind and it is yours! The only rule is that the "proper" Mary Kay name has to be used! ***Hint: go to mt website for product names*** www.marykay.com/amberluttrell GOOD LUCK!!
  10. Got a new challenge from my director! She challenged me to sell 10 Ultimate Mascaras in the next 5 hours!!!! They are 15 dollars! HELP ME PCOM LADIES!!!!
  11. Hey that is a GREAT idea...I volunteer Tow and myself for that lol...he's better w/ those than I am
  12. that is funny! I would LOOOOVE to have a great picture of him, but he wouldn't go willingly!
  13. That pic is GREAT!!!!!
  14. I didn't say it had to be during the day, silly! Plan something for Monday evening...I'm free
  15. Ok all you SAHMs, I am off on Monday from my regular 9-5 and have openings for complementary facials! I'm offering a special incentive because it is such short notice! Any Pcommer who hosts a skin care class on Monday with 3 or more in attendance will receive 30% off of their purchase! This is a great way to experience that flawless face that everyone wants for less money!!!! PM me if you need any additional info!
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