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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I had 2 that had it done at the same time! They did great and haven't had strep since. Oldest was in the 2nd grade and baby was in Kindergarten. Now they are healthy teens
  2. lol some of us aren't conspiracy nuts...we just wanna see. Guess it's a morbid curiosity...
  3. Shadys back.....tell a friend. Everyone report to the dance floor, to the dance floor.... Oops...sorry. Now that song is stuck in my head
  4. yep...I don't wanna get dressed or go anywhere! LOL
  5. ALL I want is for them to let me sleep in!!!!! :lazy: :lazy: Its free and relatively easy to arrange! Tia!!! LOL
  6. there is a HILARIOUS youtube video about this. It is called "The Impotence of Proofreading" Oh, it is soooooooooooooooo funny!!!
  7. lol not anymore I do have that red head attitude though
  8. you are absolutely right, Matt...nevertheless, I wanna look at the face of the jerk who killed my fellow Americans and see for myself that his head was blown off.... Yeah, Yeah, gruesome, gory, I know, I just can't help it lol
  9. darn it...I wanted to see them. Gory or not...
  10. Our oldest looks like me and the youngest looks like Tow...its crazy! lol
  11. I saw that.......OH DEAR LORD!!!! I'm trying to giggle in silence over here...
  12. my hubby wanted to feed him to the pigs and turn him into pig poop
  13. where did I say we were saving anyones life? Hell, I'm glad the bastard is dead. I'm still wondering why there wasn't an earthquake when he did die because I'm sure he busted the gates of hell wide open. And I'm not all "warm and fuzzy, can't hurt anyones feelings" either. I just don't think it would have done any good to be the opposite either. Had it been me, personally, that was charged with disposing of him, there would have been some pig parts involved. I'm just saying that I'm proud that someone was better than me...that's all.
  14. wait, wait, wait....back up. I NEVER said we could be friends and play nice. I'm simply saying it shows that we are better people for having shown respect. That's all. And I realize that war is hell. But I also realize that, as a Christian, I was taught not to be haughty and take joy in other's sufferings. I'm just pointing out that I am proud of the fact that we were the "bigger person"
  15. I can't believe that there is this much debate over a stupid rooster....
  16. Because we are a kind and compassionate people. Even after what he plotted and planned and did to us (and I say 'us" meaning Americans), we still found enough tolerance and respect for his religious beliefs to not defile his body or his cultural beliefs. I find it heartwarming to know that we didn't stoop to the level that so many others would have. I am SO proud of the United States right now. That being said, when I think about all the pain and heartbreak he caused to so many of our fellow countrymen, I believe that pig parts should have been involved
  17. oh dear lord...I just busted out laffin while I was on the phone with a patient!!!!
  18. too bad I can only like this once!
  19. Thoroughly, thoroughly disgusted. You people are something else......
  20. you are right, it does seen odd to celebrate his death; however, I can't help it. I'm still angry and hurt and sad that my children will NEVER see the world as I used to. One without violent acts of terrorism that take the lives of thousands. NEVER. Although I know that we should not judge, that it is not our place...Guess I'm just being human and am doing it even though I know it's wrong...
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