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Everything posted by copschick

  1. It could be worse...they could say nothing at all...
  2. I will....all except the having to do all that work part....
  3. oh...waaaaaaaaaaaaay earlier than that
  4. I bought a Pontiac Vibe GT 4 cylinder last year....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster than the v6 Oldsmobile I had prior. LOVE it
  5. ETA: somebody's jeeeeelllliiiiiiiiisssss
  6. I thought about getting Tow a bottle...Jack and I aren't real good friends
  7. Yeah, I'm in for it...testosterone poisoning runs rampant around our house...
  8. my mommy in law took pity on my nails!!!! Guess where I'm headed this afternoon! lol
  9. THIS is why I gave birth to 2 strapping boys
  10. Oh yeah...I did then I was informed that if I want the swimming pool to get finished, that I'll get up and help him...
  11. Yes, yes, he is...he is gonna make me do manual labor
  12. that big stripey fish looks like a Convict. we had some of those in our aquarium lol
  13. I already do...I just work full time and go to school at night. This will just sort of be the reverse except for the fact that I will NEVER have a day off I'm stressed just thinking about it!
  14. Starting in January, I'll only be working the weekends. The other days I'll be in school full time...ugh
  15. So you only work the weekends...yeah...you suck
  16. yep...that would be nice... How'd the hell did you get roped into that????
  17. Yeah...nails, eyebrows, toes...dear lord, I'm a mess! Seriously though, I found a pedicurist with a foot fetish...yeeehaw!
  18. Have you had the JD Tennessee Honey?
  19. So you NEVER get a weekend off?
  20. I'm beginning to think the same thing. I just wanna go see my new Bff, Chin, and have him pamper my toes this afternoon. sigh... ha...thus the whole "writer of werds" thing...jeez...I'm really observant as you can see. Oh, and the cover of your book...very sexy! Now, where can I score a copy?
  21. I didn' t know you wrote a book!!!!!!!!
  22. agreed! NCLB is terrible! It's leaving them ALL behind. And for what it's worth, I'm in college with some of the products of this NCLB attitude... Wow! I feel like a flipping genius!
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