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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I just woke up needing a change...I'm thinking lots of blonde hair and a nose ring...
  2. I want a teeny tiny diamond stud nose ring. I have a cute lil nose and think it would be cute. Opinions?
  3. copschick


    hmmm....are you friends with Tow on FB?
  4. woohooo...I know of a certain kid at my house that will be getting a J.O.B.!!!
  5. My sister must be a late bloomer. She's almost 30 and she is the most self centered, egotistical, "its all about me" person I know...
  6. We had that in Florida last year...YUM!
  7. :yahoo: :clapping: me too!!!!
  8. I'm thinking we may need a support group...
  9. yep...maybe I am an evil parent too... I have moments where I don't like my kids much at all. I love them, but just don't like them.
  10. I see the Scalini's didn't work...
  11. yeah...that was sort of my point...
  12. HIjack....Go BLUE...that Tennessee Honey crap is NAAAAAAAASTY
  13. I don't chew it often...but I hate for someone to smack and pop and crack and twirl it and grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....yeah, GEE thanks, Pan Vet! LOL anyway, once the flavor is gone, I throw it away...and not on the ground where someone can step on it, either.
  14. LOL...I don't think a book is gonna help some folks Just sayin'
  15. Sometimes, I really DO just want to sleep in. That's all I asked for. Was anyone that courteous? NO Did anyone SAY "happy Mothers day"? yes...at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. And it was an "oh by the way...happy mothers day". So did I feel a little let down...absolutely. I was an afterthought. Silly? maybe...but hurtful, nonetheless
  16. Yall rocked Saturday night!!!! Had a great time and it was good to see ya!
  17. I didnt want a gift either. A "happy Mothers day" and sleep would have been nice...I got neither. I did get asked by my youngest if I would take him shopping...
  18. yes it does...I HATE this day...I always end up with hurt feelings
  19. I haven't gotten anything either...and I had to wake him up to remind him that I wanted to sleep. So now I am awake too...sigg
  20. that would be a HUGE hell to the no!!!!
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