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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I keep hearing "ding dong the wicked witch is dead" over and over! LOL But seriously...you are right, that is ALL that matters!
  2. :yahoo: yay yay yay!!!! God Bless America! I'm so grateful for our troops!!!!!!
  3. Thank y'all...I'm just irritated by childish stupidity.
  4. And maybe I'll get yelled at for it, but right now, I don't really care. I, for one, am disgusted by all of the political propaganda backlash CRAP that is going along with the announcement on the death of Bin Laden. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, black, white, green, yellow, blue, or purple...STOP IT! We, as AMERICANS, should be happy that the man that masterminded the event that forever changed our world is gone. Shut up about "GW really did it because he started the investigations" or "Obama did it because it happened while he was in office". How about "YAY military for getting
  5. almost immediately. There was a 2 hr delay. Tell him to study chemistry!
  6. That darn TEAS test SUCKED!!! Nothing like feeling stupid all day I didnt do as well as I had hoped for...and spent most of the day squawling like a baby. Then I talked to someone who calmed my fears and said I didnt do as bad as I thought I did...
  7. mmmm....wine tastings...count me in! Wait...would I have to spit it out? If so, I'll just come to the wine drinkings! lol
  8. I know...why you think I married one??? LOL
  9. lol or ask surepip...he can cook anything!
  10. I don't really know what the partner was doing and to be quite honest don't care. A police officer has to fend for him/herself, partner there or not. They have to pretend noone else is there. They don't need to depend on someone else to back them up...they have to be able to take care of themselves. I certainly am glad that people are so quick to judge when they aren't there or in that situation. In your job, do you or your colleagues get shot at just because of your profession? No...didn't think so.
  11. prayers for the surviving child AND for your hubby
  12. LOL LR...I need to go to starbucks! Double shot espresso should work...
  13. So, you were there and had frisked her and knew she had no gun on her, right? Ya know, Cops don't just run around trying to be mean and hateful. Most of them have seen things that you haven't seen or things that you can't imagine. MOST police officers have one goal when they leave their family for their shift-To return home to said family. Furthermore, one would be an idiot to reach out and grab a police officer that way. You NEVER put your hands on a police officer...EVER. Perhaps if the woman had not been acting like a moron, the situation would not have occurred. As I said ea
  14. copschick


    Something must be wrong with the coffee at work. It isn't working this morning *yawn*
  15. We survived. Unfortunately our pear tree didn't. But it was a casualty of the wind from the early morning, not last night. Tow had it all chopped down when I got home from work last night. Now my yard looks funny lol
  16. Stay safe! Juliebella...totally off topic, but did you ever find that fruit and nut thing for your hubby for Easter?
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