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Everything posted by copschick

  1. It is quiet here today...where is everyone? Y'all are supposed to entertain me while I'm stuck at work...
  2. LOL See? WAAAAY cheaper to buy Coke at the store!
  3. You know the old saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth"? I think I will heed that advice... All I know to say is WOOOHOOOOOOO :yahoo:
  4. Hey that is cheap...I don't know what I was thinking when I looked at it. Hell, just goes to show how much I do that thinking thing! LOL So the "cola" flavor...taste like Coke or Pepsi?
  5. lol...good grief they are high...
  6. holy crap! What did you eat?????
  7. no...I was intrigued, but then realized it was more expensive than buying Coke at the store...but I'm glad that y'all like it. It really is a neat idea
  8. LOL....no...I don't need anymore of those....
  9. woohooo!!!!!! Tow said that he has too much to do to tie one on...I have a built in DD!!!!!!! :yahoo:
  10. LOL we live waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far away from our "cop friends" LOL
  11. Oh no...if you go, we are REALLY gonna need one. We have never gotten to go out and tie one on!
  12. yes...if you are driving my drunk arse home!
  13. Tow, his cousin, her bf, and I are going to Hemingway's to see Subby Saturday night...We need a DD...who wants to volunteer for this illustrious position? LOL
  14. I didn't know there was such a day!!!! Hoorrrraaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for military spouses!!! As a former one myself, I know how hard it is! Thanks for all you do!!!!
  15. I just piled the blankets on...as a matter of fact, I had fans on anyway. Then again, when Tow's 90lb dog shares the bed, you don't get cold...he is like a heater...
  16. I think everyone just migrated to FB...
  17. thanks! Tow and I are pretty much "take no bs" dictator style parents. If the kiddos don't like it, they have an open invitation to the outside world just as soon as the hit 18. I figure children dont need raising...adults do. So that is what we are raising...adults that will be productive citizens. Mean? probably by some people's standards. Effective? I will never need to call the law to protect me from my children...
  18. I am trying to get high school skinny...twinkies arent really conducive to that!
  19. Sounds like he could have used a few ass whippins when he was younger. FTR: I would never have to call the cops on my 15y/o...he knows I would kill him first...
  20. I'll be VERY excited when I can celebrate nurses week woohoo...2 more years...
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