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Everything posted by copschick

  1. no...no two yr olds were there...this was where the attack brad nailers were MADE. They were testing them on the dogs...LOL
  2. No, No, No, y'all have it all wrong. Remember that rash of 2 year olds that were being stabbed to death by attack brad nailers? Well, it turns out that the house in question was really manufacturing all those trick nailers. Animal control had to get involved because the pack of dogs out back were the guinea pigs... Geez, get it right folks
  3. But did you GET a proposal...did you HAVE a wedding? I'm sure there is a difference if you had those than if you didn't...
  4. ok, let me clarify something...I never said I have any regrets...I don't. NONE at all. I love my husband and have never regretted marrying him. Back story...we were YOOOOOUNG when we got married. I was 17 and he was 19. I was expecting...so we rushed things a bit. No propsal, no engagement ring (which is ok, cause the ring I eventually got is beautiful ), no wedding (which bothers me the most). Yes, I said bothers. We were completely alone when we got married...just us and Judge Dodd. So do I wish I would have had the fairy tale? Absolutely. But that is just because that is how it is
  5. I happen to love Disney...left my kids at home and went to disneyworld without them...your point would be??? Tow is completely UNTRAINABLE....
  6. I suppose your wife was graced with a MUCH better proposal???? Oh, and by the way, the proposal is at Disney because SHE is a huge Disney fan and he is making it all about her... I feel your pain.... I got nada myself, so I always get a little jealous when I hear of these romantic proposals or fabulous weddings...
  7. I wish I could give you a +1 more than once!!!! Ya can't please everyone all the time...and you can't please some of the people any of the time...
  8. :rofl: that is NOT romantic!! And it sounds like something Tow would do!
  9. So my coworker was talking about his plans for his proposal to his girlfriend. So he's all excited, naturally, which I find endearing anyway. But then he says how he's gonna do it...I was WOWED!!!! He is taking her to Disneyworld this summer and has arranged for Mickey Mouse to greet them at the entrance onto Main Street with a sign asking her to marry him!!!! OMG can you say JEALOUS?????
  10. rofl...law enforcement dont qualify. They make too much...hahahahahaha...absolutely damned ridiculous. And when Tow was in the army we had 2 BABIES and he made less than 1200 a month and we didnt qualify because we drove a camaro...which was falling apart.
  11. bbq...you have made your teachers proud and Im sure your parents are still smiling at the fabulous young adult you seem to be. Heck I dont even know you and I am proud...you make me feel better about a small part of the future of our country! Thank you for giving us hope!!!!
  12. you are such a pain! I was all pissed off and you go and make me laugh!
  13. If they need food stamps, they NEED necessities...not lobster and steak. It isn't fair to the rest of us that foot the bill that are barely scraping by. Oh, and did I mention that I can't even get a pell grant to help pay for my books at school? So screw them and their lobsters...they ought to be kicked off of the program.
  14. I feed a family of four on a WHOLE lot less than 425.00 a month. Try HALF of that. And THAT person wasn't spending 141 bucks on steak and lobster WE were. Considering that I work and my husband works and we can't afford to eat like that even on special ocassions, someone on "public assistance" DAMNED sure ought not be able to. :angry2:
  15. people are just effin rude in general
  16. A friend posted it so I could read it on FB....I got chills. THAT is one smart young man! It was a PHENOMENAL speech!
  17. most doctors that specialize in feet dont do hands. I have worked for both major ortho groups in the area and if it were me, I would go to Scott Levere with Resurgons. He goea to both the Austell and Douglasville office.
  18. I do...when do you need it? aeluttrell@gmail.com if you want to email me all the information
  19. Congrats on the BEAUTIFUL addition to your family!
  20. Im so excited...cant wait to ride it!!!!
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