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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I am done with work for the week. Next 5 days are gonna be spent floating around in the pool (which is warm thanks to the stay warm weather dance Jet_Man accused Tow and I of doing) with frosty adult beverages....I could get used to that!
  2. Tow said he is getting rid of his this year
  3. Its warm...nice temp! It can cool off now
  4. awww...thanks...They are nice to everyone but us LOL
  5. my kiddos aren't lard asses...they love video games!
  6. You are right...I said the same thing earlier, but let us not forget that the people who truly need the assistance and are just temperarily down on their luck won't have a problem peeing in a cup. Its the ones who are dopers who don't need the help if that's the way they are going to abuse the system that will have a problem with it.
  7. What a great idea! They can work at Cobb's libraries and then the public safety can avoid furloughs!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. thats a great idea! That would also weed out the ones who just simply didn't want to work!
  9. copschick


    Yep I will never forget the first night my boys saw Tow in his uniform. lil Tow#1, thumped him on the chest to make sure he had a vest on and said "be careful Daddy, those bad guys are tricky". Little did he know at the time that the job his dad does is so dangerous.
  10. copschick


    This is for the Cop Haters out there...THIS is what every family fears the most: Deputy Sheriff Kurt Wyman was shot and killed during a standoff following a domestic disturbance in Knoxboro. Officers responded to the scene of a domestic disturbance at approximately 9:00 pm when the man barricaded himself in his garage with a firearm. Negotiators were attempting to get the man to surrender when he opened fire on them at approximately 2:00 am, killing Deputy Wyman. The suspect was also shot in the exchange of gunfire. Deputy Wyman is survived by his expectant wife, whose due date
  11. nope..now its in the welfare crack baby thread...jeez, keep up, will ya?
  12. I don't fault anyone who truly needs help getting help. I find fault in a system that doesn't always work correctly. I don't see the harm in asking someone who is receiving public assistance to submit a urine sample to make sure that money that could be used to take care of a family isn't being used to further a drug habit. The social programs were put in place for a reason, sometimes, people need assistance. But it also shouldn't be abused. It isn't fair to those of us that are just getting by to have our hard earned dollars go to "help" someone that could, in reality, help themselves.
  13. Hey now! I take offense to that...they pay my mortgage
  14. I'm sorry...that is terrible
  15. awww...I used to live in Clarksville As a matter of fact, that is where my youngest was born!
  16. West Central Tech is where she goes. Chattahoochee Tech has a program. And there is Vogue...
  17. Don't know about the rest of you, but I think a problem that is solved by this is that it makes me feel better about working my arse off so someone else can live on my dime. I don't do drugs, I shouldn't have to work so someone else has money to do them.
  18. :rofl: I thought it was because she insinuated you had bugs in your garden!
  19. Jetman is so sweet to help everyone
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