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Everything posted by copschick

  1. teehee....are you coming over to our pcom girl party on June 4th?
  2. young love hahahahahaha....we have been married 16 years...nothing young there! And I was really a child bride (got married at 17)
  3. I would think it depended on the couple. Some couples can handle things like that just fine, where others simply cannot. I also think if LOTS of discussion has taken place before said debauchery and ground rules are set, and the rules are adhered to, a little deviance can be fun...but that's just my take on the situation. Besides, how do you know it ain't fun if you never try it out? Just sayin' Oh, and one more thing, on the subject of divorce, we are one of the only countries that puts work above all else. It is probably alot different in places where your job is not expected to b
  4. Nope...no lil ones (I took care of that pesky little problem about 13 years ago!) and no legal fees....just pure, unadulterated fun!!!!
  5. what a great way to celebrate! And you are right...its a win-win
  6. Sean Connery has to be one of the sexiest men EVA!
  7. yep...saw this book that looked REALLY interesting in there yesterday. Had a cute guy with a kilt on it
  8. don't forget to mention the hot guy in a kilt book cover on the local shelf
  9. I used to live near hoptown...I don't remember that, but how flipping funny LOL
  10. we will find you a DD
  11. I wanna go to da beach
  12. Great idea!!! I will have to try that LOL
  13. y'all are cracking me up!!!! Monkeytail...you and Blondie can come too!
  14. Amen to that...but wht doesnt that work in real life???
  15. exactly...no testosterone! LOL
  16. lol what are you "by God"ing about?
  17. I told him it was gonna be like having a new woman!
  18. yep and Im just glad I have an extra day to recover!!!
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