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Everything posted by copschick

  1. WTH was wrong with all of us??? Although, I have to say, after a few drinks I didn't feel blah... lol
  2. I didn't think so either. I felt blah...
  3. Yep, when you are cute you get away with alot ETA..Except last Saturday. I did NOT feel cute. But then again, I hear that I wasn't the only one feeling that way...
  4. yeah...but I'm cute so I can I'm so glad I could help! lol
  5. Yes, it sucks to know that you are stuck in an office while your family is playing in the pool
  6. there are soooo many things about me you don't know Actually, she used to post on FB about 4 times a week that she was going to eat there...I pay attn to my friends
  7. I happen to know that Gipper Girls loves Ru Sans...
  8. thats all way far away! I was talking about the one in Kennesaw!
  9. yes thank you SO much! Oh, and the nose stud is so cute! I got the other one out...it was NOT fun!
  10. Next time you come up for a Dr appt...we need to do lunch at Ru Sans
  11. It just doesn't bother me. When I feel like Im getting crispy, I jump in the water and cool off
  12. what if you tried a float that you don't lay on...they make ones that you sit up in. Do you think that would help?
  13. lol jen...ok ok...I miss them!
  14. oh...hey chicka...I need to come by and give you some $$$ Will you be home this weekend?
  15. sigh...gee thanks Jet_man....now I wanna go to da beach
  16. oh, and my bathing suit is feeling neglected...
  17. by my swimming pool. And I know that my cute pink float feels abandoned too. Damn work...it interferes with all the fun stuff!
  18. Well if you are too damned stupid to let go of the rod, then you deserve to get dragged to the bottom by a big ole fish...
  19. who cares about the fish? I just want the ocean!!!
  20. Yep, and the REALLY scary thing about it (other than it is hereditary...God help me because I love green veggies!) is that the signs/symptoms of too much iron mimic those that go with too little iron. Makes me wonder how many "self internet diagnosers" are screwing themselves up by trying to up their iron when in actuality, they have too much...
  21. all these poor anemics on here! My grandmother actually had hemachromatosis, which is exactly the opposite. It is when you have so much iron that it begins attacking vital organs. She used to have to go in twice a month for bloodletting.
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