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Everything posted by copschick

  1. funny you should post that...I sound just like that pothole...
  2. whoa, whoa, whoa...it aint THAT kinda thread...you just leave what you were gonna pull off on!
  3. I would be happy with Sun Valley Beach at this point!!!
  4. ooh ooh....Dr. Jetman just said go to da beach!!!!!!
  5. I just spit Dr. Pepper all over my screen....
  6. thanks Mei Lan lol no Jet_Man...it wasnt you
  7. I feel like I have been punched in the gut
  8. oh I've learned my lesson...don't trust ANYONE
  9. I'm gonna need a cake with a file baked in it brought to me at the paulding county jail...after I kill Tow, I'm gonna need it to get me outta jail.
  10. how in GODS name does your wifey put up with you?????
  11. lol thank you for making me giggle
  12. well, Tow and I got married when we were babies....I was 17, he was 19. We will be married 16 years in August. Obviously, we didn't live together beforehand and we are doing great. I think it really just depends on the couple and how hard they are willing to work... and Bigsky...sometimes deviant is good...I agree lol
  13. oh hush it...Im posting from my phone and I am PISSED...typos happen! I guess me and my dumbass...Im the one who let it happen...
  14. OK so Im a reasonably intelligent person but every once in a while something can gappen that makes me see how truly naive I am at times. Today is one of those times and I am NOT a happy camper
  15. yup...don't care to have ANYONE else in the bedroom with me but my husband...
  16. I was just being completely fabulous like I normally am!
  17. I also think that divorce is such a readily available thing. I mean, a judge can choose NOT to grant a divorce, but that doesn't happen (rarely if at all). I think that people are much too willing these days to just give up instead of fight to save their marriages. I'm not advocating staying in an abusive relationship...I'm just saying that sometimes there are things worth fighting for and we, as a society in general, are much too quick to throw in the towel and walk away.
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