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Everything posted by copschick

  1. Amen to that... We will be spending LOTS of time in the pool (if Tow EVER gets done putting it up!) this summer. We have passes to WW and 6F, but I have to work during the week so the boys are kinda stuck at home with nothing to do.
  2. yes, Tow and I have um...CONVERSATIONS all the time LOL IM kidding...you are right, actually LIKING the person you are with is very important. (and thank goodness Tow agrees, cause I certainly don't look like what he started dating LOL)
  3. :clapping: :yahoo: :drinks: :good:
  4. we have 2 small dogs, so poor Buster doesn't realize that he is BIG!!! He is like a bull in a china shop!
  5. consider yourself lucky. Buster has chewed WALLS in my house....freaking WALLS for crying out loud... He has eaten countless shoes He ate a hole in my brand new couch grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......granted it has gotten better since he has aged but DEAR LORD!!!!
  6. I have to say that I must side with Papi on the dog issue....Tows Choco lab bout drives me insane
  7. we don't take BCBS HMO where I work. Its all a matter of contracting. If an insurance won't negotiate a rate that the physicians practice finds fair, they won't contract. It is actually a very common thing. There are several others that we don't participate with. Aetna HMO is another one.
  8. yes we missed you!!!!!!!
  9. my heart breaks for all of you that have had personal dealings with this. I can't imagine watching a family member or friend suffer from this awful addiction.
  10. I'm looking to plan a mini vaca sometime late this summer and was wondering if any pcommers have/know someone who has a condo on the gulf (well, it doesn't have to be ON the gulf, but near the gulf would be nice)
  11. hmmm...maybe it wasn't him. It just looked like him LOL
  12. didn't I see him in an ad for that new show on ABC? The one about the combat hospital?
  13. Oh lord!!!! We had this same problem with one of the chickadees that used to live in our neighborhood. She announced that her and lil Tow#1 were gonna play football in the front yard. I quickly informed her she would RIGHT after she went home and put some clothes on Anyway, thanks for letting your kiddo come over, he keeps the lil Tows in line LOL
  14. I just registered for summer quarter and fall semester....my last 3 NON nursing classes! I'm starting to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!! :yahoo:
  15. The apple must not fall far from the tree
  16. well then Tow's phone made me look like a hippo....
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