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Everything posted by copschick

  1. they sell "plinks" at walmart...I would suggest keeping some on hand
  2. I will sooooo not be mad at you! I completely understand!!!! and Monkeytail...yes I will have another so you can make it
  3. I'm trying to get some sort of idea of how many to plan for tomorrow night! I also need to get directions out. So let me know if you are planning on coming over tomorrow night and I will get directions/phone number out to ya
  4. Work in a nursing home for a while...its 3's. And it is usually 2 "expected" and 1 complete shock.
  5. funny...I notice that you post ALOT in her threads....kinda like yesterday??? Oh yeah, must've forgotten that one...
  6. It is not THIS thread specifically. It is almost EVERY thread she posts. If you dislike her, and have some personal problem with her, don't open her threads. You don't have to come in and bash her every chance you get. It makes YOU look bad, no one else.
  7. No apology needed...family sucks sometimes, we understand
  8. well...we dont know yet. Tow has applied for a job in DC...so Im not sure yet
  9. Thank you...this may be the quickest move in history LOL (if it happens at all)
  10. LOL I need some info about good areas to live in VA near DC
  11. He is trying to get our pool walls put up and needs some strong folks to come over and hold the walls...PUHHHLEEEEEEZZZZZ. Pm me if you can and I will get you his contact info
  12. Because EVERYTIME she posts something YOU come in and act an ass... Oh, its not an act???? hmmmm sorry...
  13. DC_Red....HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!! I need some information from you
  14. pcom...the place where you post a serious question and hot chicks take over your thread fighting over hot actors!
  15. we ended up with grilled chicken salad and garlic bread. Yum!
  16. oh, sorry, I only have enough room for one ego the size of Paulding County in my house...and since he pays the mortgage....
  17. ding ding ding ding...we have a winner folks...THAT sounds good...well, all except the lemon merengue...bleck
  18. I'll be sending Tow to the dr if it starts biting
  19. Well, since Shemar is gonna come to the house that is making brad nailers...back off bitches cause I'll shoot all of you! LMAO
  20. You are right, the best has to be made of it, and I feel like I've done that. We marched forward and made a life with each other and for our boys. But I guess I can't have the outlook of it being "no big deal" when I haven't experienced it. Guess its a grass is greener thing.
  21. yes they do! That's where the brad nailer factory is....DUH
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