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Everything posted by adult.

  1. Wait a second, you're saying that 111+1=112?! NO!
  2. Did NBC mention this is because it's all bullcheeze anyway?
  3. Oldest of three. Middle's a dick, youngest is cool, and I'm awesome.
  4. The killer's life is no more valuable or important, but it is no less valuable or important either. Just as these people should not have been murdered...
  5. Stupid sheeze like this is the reason people will never stop finding simple words offensive.
  6. Are the birds and fish necessarily related? Hell, are any of these events necessarily related to one another?
  7. Thanks for this topic, eym_sirius. It's nice to have an engaging discussion about something other than religion every so often.
  8. Nothing is being left behind, and nothing is being created. The past and future are simply a part of my shape. My shape stretches somewhere over a foot long, a few inches wide, and five feet and seven inches high. Additionally, my shape stretches almost twenty-two years into the past, and some indiscernible amount into the future. And when my particular shape ends, the particles that make up my shape stretch into the past and future even further. There are countless facets of our universe that serve no apparent purpose. What's one more? Again, I wouldn't say time travel in the sci-f
  9. No, not in the sci-fi sense. I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "displacement." The creation of something from nothing? I don't see how we get to that. There aren't even necessarily infinite temporal versions of me in the past or future. If time exists on a discreet scale, which I think is more likely than time being continuous, then there are finite versions of me. But that's all beside the point. The notion that my body is extended through a fourth dimension is no more ridiculous than the notion that my body is extended through the first three dimensions. Just as
  10. And I would say that an object in motion is four-dimensional. Why is this not logical? Oh yeah; I forgot your difficulty believing in anything you can't see. I believe that the past and future both exist just as concretely as the present. Of course my explanation is no proof, but my reasoning follows from an understanding of geometry and linear algebra; it just seems fairly obvious to me. You might prefer the proofs here.
  11. It's just turtles, all the way down!
  12. A space of dimension zero is a single point. If we move this point in an orthogonal direction (which, in this case, would be any direction), we construct a line, which is a space of dimension one. If we move this line in any direction linearly independent of the one in which we moved the initial point, then we have constructed a plane, which is a space of dimension two. Moving this plane in any direction linearly independent of the first two movements, we create a three dimensional space. At this point, we can note that the three dimensions we've constructed could very well be length, widt
  13. I understand time to be a physical dimension no different than the three that we see. So all of existence is spanned by (at least) four orthogonal vectors, and any point in existence can be given by a coordinate (x,y,z,t,...).
  14. Is this because it's an unpleasant notion, or is there some reason?
  15. Why should any opinion be excluded from discussion?
  16. When did stating facts become political?
  17. I can't help but wonder if either one is a bad thing.
  18. So who do we execute when the system fails and kills someone who is innocent?
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