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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. When I eat red meat I think of it as a treat so I'll go to west metro and get a porterhouse and have 2 dinners and one lunch from it. Thick, fat rimmed, tender red meat. Every once in a while.....yum!
  2. Then I'm insensitive too cause I don't get it either.
  3. I love Aspens but the acoustics stink! If you are in the main dining room you can't hear what anyone at the table is saying. Teds is better in that regard.
  4. That is one insect that literally makes my skin crawl. We have found several in the house this year. I cannot bring myself to step on them, the crunch they make brings me close to heaving. I was stuck in an elevator with three of them once. My dog was trying to eat them and they were jumping all over the place. I would take chiggers over them any day and I HATE chiggers. They are called water bugs up north.
  5. Not for nothing but that has been pounded into my brain since I was, like 6 years old. Makes you think huh? I mean, who does that?
  6. Well, in the interest of not high jacking the thread, I'll just wish you the best of luck.
  7. Finally! I am included in something around here! Yea! I was friended by two "members" that I've never heard of. I just thought they had good taste.
  8. How are they going to get paid? Do you intend to live your entire life off the radar?
  9. You have healthcare. It will ruin you but you do have healthcare. For instance, you get hurt in a car wreck, you will be sent to the hospital for treatment. They will save your life and you will be in the hole for a long time. They cannot just leave you on the side of the road to die.
  10. Sorry about the car. Happy Birthday.
  11. I wonder why they stay too. Hope it's easy on them.
  12. You're right...I forgot that part. In any case, as you so perfectly said, his ass is grass.
  13. Wonder if this is the counties answer to those folks that were having perpetual yard sales.
  14. What kind of dummy has enough pot in his house to be charged with intent and then uses that same house to rape a woman. As the saying goes criminals are stupid.
  15. Happy birthday. You are sad because next year you are turning 50? I loved turning 50. Heck, I wasn't sure I'd see 45!
  16. So glorious to hear the phase "your ass is grass." And I agree. Do you think they got involved because of the pot?
  17. I thought the same thing. Anyone with any sense would not get into a car with someone they only met through a Craig's list ad.
  18. I agree. The way your post was written I wasn't sure if you were complaining about the bad news coverage or the fact that another scumbag was arrested in Paulding. Crazy, selfish people are everywhere.
  19. Lucky, a woman was raped. How do you think the authorities should have handled it?
  20. House values were in the basement, there is no doubt about that. I am very, very relieved to see them slowly climbing up.
  21. Just saw a story on the news confirming that home prices are going up! They focused on Las Vegas and Atlanta. This is very, very good news! Hope it keeps moving up too.
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