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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I've enjoyed Paula Deen in the past. I mean she's about as phony as they come but hey, she's on TV so that's a by product. Here's a NPR link to tell the story. http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2013/06/20/193913397/stuff-you-might-have-missed-in-the-paula-deen-brouhaha She is a product of her environment and for anyone to think otherwise is, in my opinion, off the mark.
  2. Since we don't know what exactly happened perhaps it would be best not to rapidly defend an action which, on its face, is fairly inexcusable. Cops are people too....they make mistakes.
  3. O.K, the initial rage has passed and I've calmed down. I'm not even sure why this makes me so sad. The thought of a dog needlessly suffering to their death gets to me in a big way, I guess. The officer had to have forgotten the dog was in the car. Is it a good excuse? No. But stuff like this just happen. People make mistakes. I can't imagine what he felt like when he found his dog.
  4. Blondie, if you need help, just let me know.
  5. K...what's the plan Fran?
  6. Meanwhile it's stupid to have a trained dog die like this.
  7. truck him for leaving his " partner" in a closed car for hours and hours. People just really don't "get" dogs. You would think this guy had the training. This just REALLY pisses me off. Oh, who cares....it's just a dog...right?
  8. Here's another reference point. http://www.avianweb.com/recommendedvets.htm#Georgia Yes! There is one listed in Marietta!
  9. House call vet isn't gonna happen. Get him penned up.....I'll find out who to take him to. Here's one, but she's in Covington. http://www.myoakhillvet.com/about/staff.html I think I remember one in Marietta. I'll go look.
  10. Rut roe. What's up? I hate you that you feel you need a vet doll. Let me know and I'll help you search. From what I've read, you are going to prepare the critter for travel to the office.
  11. I don't know if Obamacare is the way to go either. I think that the premise of pooling people together for a better deal for the general public makes sense. I also think that something had to happen to rein in the insurance companies. I sincerely hope that the average joe realizes a benefit from this program. They have done a shameful job about getting information on how it's supposed to work. Just shameful. Good luck to you and yours. I hope you realize insurance premiums you can deal with because what you pay now is just stupid money!
  12. No, I haven't had to shop because both of us are insured through my husbands job.
  13. Every single time I've gone to Ingles, I've come home with spoiled food. Once it was a bag of carrots, bottom part was mush...it was for my horses so I just grabbed it. Second time it was catfish. Yuk, yuk, yuk. Funny how folks have different experiences. My experience has been with rotten/rancid food.
  14. That is CRAZY money. I don't know if it's justified by your pre existing conditions but jezzzzz....that's nuts.
  15. I know. I just want to wait till I have to know about it cause it's seems like such a moving target anymore.
  16. Wish I could help you out but, thankfully, I'm not there yet.
  17. I've been amazed at the amount of corruption in the city of Atlanta for awhile now. I mean it's NUTS! DeKalb is just following suit.
  18. ^^^^^^ this. Congrats on such a happy ending/beginning.
  19. Thanks. That's gross! Skid-marks, yuk.
  20. Yes it is. Plain as day, perhaps a bit too plain as day? I think I see eyebrows.
  21. BL, speak to an attorney and ignore people who would suggest that you stray off your goal. If you know that's what you want, then start finding out what your options are.
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